The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


stow-a-way mast, seit-furlmg gib, Loaded with extras Professionally decorated interior. Financing available BEST IN THE WEST" 348-0860 571 1711 27' BOAT Spectacular fast I -design trom- Finland. Sleeps 4 in an leak interior 3000 racing around the world 0 A or A sleeper! Consider low otters tor auick deal PACIFIC YACHTS 352-8711 TRADITIONAL SAILING Yacht. Immac. loaded, DownEaster 45'.

Matching Burgundy white Rolls Royce Silver Snadow tl. $300,000 firm, CASH only 214-369-1248 8am-5pm Central SEARAY 79 70'. 260 HP l-O. 250 hrs $10,500 wlrlr. -JOHNSON 7 5 HP motors, 1 yr.

)ouea STEELE PARK MARINA lake Berryessa 707-966-7330 CATALINA 30 78 Many xtias inci. 5 cn vrif, tun tull spray canvas met Dodger 4 much more. Immac. cond 707-762-1981 aft 5pm HOBIE CAIS, LASERS Banshee. European Saiiboards.

Lessens. Wei Suns EMPIRE SAILING 459-1171 SAILING LESSONS And SAILBOAT RENTALS J-24's and Ericsons to 38' SUNSHINE SAILING 865-4447 SELECT BROKERAGE HOBIE 14- 16- 18' JOHN BEERY CO ALAMEDA 4IS-523-R500 DUFOUR SAIL8OAR0. LASER, eniMSHtt on in stock With Full Accessories MikeLampeVarnts 815-1134 GORMAN 4 THOMSON LTD CAL. GULF. MASON 43 4 Select Used Brokerage ALAMEDA (4151865-1667 SAILBOAT RENTALS J-24 or US 25 trom $50day 14 Share 27 $115 Mo The Sailboat Shoo 521-StOO DON WILSON YACHT SALES Islander -Freeport-Yamana Banama-Ceoo Rico 38 OAKLAND (415)532-0747 15' Mariner Ketch.

'65 Aries Mahogany. AP, recent Overhaul, many eifas Great cruiser $55K. 339-021? NOR CAL YACHTS No 1 HI USA Pearson, Encson. Endeavor, 4 boats, used 4 Broker Manner Square 'M Morrow Loran C. $1500.

4 man life raft. $350. Seagull OB. $100 Richmond Manna W-280 eves wknas MULL Custom 2 Ton yacnt tor 82 SORC tor sale, charter or partnership 1 wks fr launch Cnesaueake Bav 703-765-7815 SANTANA 35. tace ready 11 sans otters ('02)356-1006 Oavs.

wknds I415I3J2-5I60 Sausalito $2499 31 wood sloop, gas IB runs, sips 4. looks great. Head, galley. Nds hull rprs. Lv-aod.

979-0224. 870-200O, eit 410 SAUSALITO YACHT SALES NEW ARIES 32 DIESEL SLOOP $48 500 4151 337-5000 LIVEABOARO Exclusive lor Freeoom, Gultsiar and Irwin Blue Dolphin 415-865-5353 VEGA 27-tjil keel, nu diesel Very well eqpt Berk Slip Wknds, ev 916-367-7434 HITCH WORLD- everytnmg for your lowing neeos; orates, lights elC 4b8-4660 SOS No 6294. bit. 79 by Bal- lenger, 4 sails Trailer cover. $1500 865-3779 att 6 28' Triton.

wooO top. full sails, $I5K Best berore Oct 31. 776-1366 567-3586 SLOOP 30' I ton, bit 1910 Rbit eng. Sound Hull. $3500-best Otter.

707-978-4461 TRIMERAN 55 Piter design As is Not complete $50,000 'Bo 337-7507 Evenings alter 6PM FOLKBOAT Fantasy race cruise, gd cond, 337-9427- MOS Free berth wpurchase 74 Or triC 75 Olr. 53-Ur SAIL BOAT RENTAL. US ii CRUISE EQPT 436-6719 CHRVS 16, SanOoat. fair cond wtrailer. $1500 209-873-073? LASER 4 Dolly, like new.

plus accessories $1400 522-8158 8' EL TORO. full race Oewtt sail $750 237-5605; 499-8740 GULFSTAR Ketch 50, loaded See at pier 39. 567-2578 J-24 Fully equipd 6 HP oulOO wk-239-5500 hm-337-5639 21' Swedish sioop. F-G Berkeley bertn $5000 735-1677 TRAILER E-Z Loader tor retractable Keel $1500 964-587? CLIPPER 21' Many extras. Must sell $5000.

408-476-0494 Rob NATIONAL 1 17' sloop incls. trlr. $1700 757-3148 aft 3pm 14' O'Day Javelin, Trailer, motor $1000'best offer 333-7914 RAFIKI37 1977 $74,950 Stockdale Marine (415)733-4883 SANTANA 27, clean, Berkeley berth, new rig $6000 856-4729 505 US 6307, Excellent cond. $3000best offer. 571-6489 '80 CAL.

25 MKII, KM. VHF, I B. compass $28,50060 342-7810 COL 26 72 MKII, new paint, new eng Make offer 393-5160dys 75 CAL 2-27, dsl. Spnkr. VHF.

$25,000 825-2969; 228-5833- Waterfront Housing 175-3 PREACHER'S HOUSEBOAT' Sleeps 6, All electric galley, KW generator, exc. cond. Owner transferred Offer. Perry's Harbor 916-777-6461 GIBSON HOUSEBOATS NEW 4 USED 415-684-3317 BETHEL ISLAND YACHT FORMING Parternship 10 int. avail, in 1977 corporate (10 pass Piper Chieftain 1815TT, 400SMOH L4R.

Bay area based-on charter lease. King silver crown, R-NAV, slite phone, A-C, A-T auto pilot 4 FD, potty, bar, deep wing locker for skis. Fresh Sept annual, beige wbrown 4 orange accent ext. Ten mo. Br.

Veiour seats, br carpets 4 intr drapes Absolutely immac Call 328-2576 for details. Having a garage sale? -Let people know in the Want Ad Supermarket' Phone 777-7777 FLYING 1 Wanted 135-1 INSTANT Cash for cameras 4 lenses. $0 Kearny. 192-1100 140 FOR THE OFFICE This Classification is now part ot BUSINESS TO BUSINESS In the Finannel naits 145 PET COLUMN ABBY Kits tntett 4 lovable. Gr Ch line Shots $225Up 357-1649 ABBY Kits RedRuddy CFA.

Gr Ch Ins Shots $225 Up 956-7285 ABYS. kittens, pure black. Trained, shots. $15 731-7382 AFGHAN Hound, M. 3 yrs.

Old, oysterorindie, an snots, sjs 571-8252 or 393-6038 ask Mane AFGHAN, 15 yrs $100; COCK- a-pou i yr ai-mn AIREDALE PUPS, AKC, Champ. lines. $250 4 Up. Companion or Show 986-1333: 924-2446 AKITAS IF. 2M.

Born 8-20. ApptS 524-7010 ALASKAN Malamule pups, Ch. papers 4 (hots met. $200 (408)996-7145 eves AMER. ESKIMO pups UKC reg.

$150. F. $125. 209-J69-9J5Z AQHA 10 yr geld Gentle. Poco Hancock SflHXI zv9-5JJ-umj AUSTRALIAN Shep pups, reg, to $150.

Debbie 707-546-J46J AUSTRALIAN SHEP Pups. Tn, Merle 4 Black $60 755-BJ67 BALINESE kittens, a magnifi cent sub-breed of Siamese, with sweet temperaments and long silky coats Adorable. Kittens avail now, up. CFA 524-4165, am best. BASSET P'JrS, 6 wks.

AKC. Tn. Snots. Used in commercials. $200 San leandro, 632-7338 BASSET Hounds, AKC.

6 2 F. $175. (2091 526-1666 aft 4 pm wkdys. Anytime wkends. BASSET pups AKC, Shots, tn.

$175 ValleiO 707-644-11 1 BASSET PUPS. AKC. 7wks. Ch lines Shots $250 Up 968-5440 BASSET pups. AKC, 7-15, SnotS.

$200 BEAGLE 7 yr M. gentle, loving. to go nome km. apnit ev BEAROEO Collie ped. fawn, F.

6mo. Sweet! $150DO. IZ6-I196 BELGIAN Sheepdogs AKC Of A. $450 916-756-5550 BELGIAN Sheepdog Pups. AKC, to $300 707-252-1278, -255-0683 BIRDS Hand ted Exotics 4 Do mestics Credit 349-1055 BIRDS TREAT YOURSELF! Macaws $249, BG $599.

Gr Wing $899; Am Mvn- $695; Gray Cheeks. Cage sale 25 oft. Creditterms. USA's largest indoor breeder. WORLD OF BIRDS.

23570 Hwy. 121. Sonoma 707-996-1477 BOUVIER Des Flandres pups-Ch parents: AKCOFA Ears. Pet Show. $200 Up 415-339-0523 BOUVIERS.

ears done, shots. Excl. family 4 guard dogs. $250 Up 209-966-5426; 966-21 1 1 BOXER PUPPIES. AKC, Fawn 4 White.

8wks Old Champ sired. $200 ea 707-224-6209 Napa BOXER AKC fawn, female pup. $100 Tracy (209)836-1433 BOXER Superb Pups, AKC. Pet Show $700 UP 707-8ZJ-Z78Z BRIAROS. AKC Pups.

French herding 408-554-8880 BULL terrier pups white. $300, BULL Mastiff tan. male, 2 yrs, AKt JUO l-4 BULLMASTIFF Pups. Ch. lines $200-W00 (916) 268-2216 BURMESE kittens.

CFA champ. lines, all shots $125 757-6272 BURMESE Kits Reg. Shots. $150 SaoieBiuePiaiinum 932-3916 CAIRN terr. pups I wks, 2M.

AKC $200 916-966-4040 CAIRN TERR PUP. Male. Ch. blood. AKC.

$335 415-892-1378 CAIRNS 12 wks, AKC. Sire Am Can ch $350 595-2057 CHES. Bay pups, 5 wks. ch. lines 591-4388 aft 3 CHINESE Snar-Pei pups.

Male $5O0, tern $750 707-762-7446 COCKATOO lesser sulpher crested hand ted baby, $1300, 415-45-J905 COCKATOO, Suipn est Tame. Male. $1,100 2091 369-0328 COCKER pups. AKC. Ch lines.

silver butt, buff 4 particoiors $200 4 up 707-778-7493 COCKER Spaniel Purebred pup. trained $100 871-9309 COCKER pups (8) AKC, golden. 6 wks $200 552-8622 COCKER. AKC. Pick now! Avail 1025.

$150 756-1180 eves COCKER Span, pups, 7. papers, AKC, )15Uea 707-552-0954 0ACHS. pup. rnim. AKC, tan, gd.

disposnnh; father AmCan. Ch $700 341-2057 evwkds OACHS pups, MiniToy. AKC. Dad IS 5P0S $25uea 345-6925 DACHS PUPS Std AKC Perm. snots.

$85 916-673-5985 aft 4 DACHSHUND PUPS. AKC. Red, J5-HZ5 916-652-5937 DACHSHUND puppies. AKC black tan, $100 (209) 523-7014 OACHSUNO AKC Minis. Rare dapples $175 707-252-6957 ev 0ALMATIAN PUPS.

AKC, Ch. lines 5 Up 916-652-7391 OOBE Pups AKC, uncropped or croppeo wuu-)4U0 up 676-4472 DOBE PUPS AKC, Sire Ch Ears croppeo $400. 707-795-7070 DOBE pups. Red. 2 months, $100 eacn DOBERMAN pup.

6mos. tern. cn line. $85 755-5291 OOBIE, LOVEABLE. NEEDS liUUU HOME.

368-7642 ENGLISH BULL, AKC. neut 1 yr $100 680-8846 ENG. SPRINGER Spaniel Pups, 5wks. cn line, an snots, up. ruVftj-irax after ENG.

Springer pups. 6 wic. Lin 1UU-1. B93-Bb46 tNb. Springer Span.

AKC ch sired, shots $700 707-763-3240 FISH 4 Aquarium Sale 55 sal otners avail. 341-5597 GERMAN Shep. White fem. 4 mos. All Shots Htehrnken Father TV dog $600 to gd GERMAN Shep Male, 4mos.

old, snois. 1 564-8770 GERMAN SHEP PUPS ADULTS companion, obedient, show Potential. Fullv suarantMMl Call Wigay. 892-2305; 724-7274 GERM. SHEP.

Pups, AKC, 4mos. oiacK e. Tan, shots. Tatooed. Strong German lines.

Excl. temper mem V350. 793-8352 GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, rxv, aire imporieo, iCh II, Top CH. bloodlines. evwknds utNMAN SHEP pups.

AKC. Champ, lines, 7 wks, shots. iov up tiu-r; 944-l4b GERM. Shep. ouos: AKC.

nam acn in importd, ch blood ii. J3U. saw. 7U7-879-1448 GER SHEPHERDS (males) to orggu wrvi, no rems 549-3834 GERM Shep Pups AKC. F's 45-50 ios wseoroKen 160 468-4158 GERMAN SHEP AKC 1 )3uu 1415) 787-7968; 786-1489 GERMAN SHEP PUPS AKC Guaranteed $300 707-887-7038 GERMAN Sheps.

AKC, X-ray. 1 yr KW'PU iviust aeil 364-BJ68 GERMAN shep pups. AKC Ch line Must see- SJOO 386-2506 GERM. Wirehair Pointers. Ger- unimos.

vuu up 707-767-5127 GOLDEN Retriever pups, AKC. 8 ws. Z37-0878: 234-7148. uuluin Kelt. Come up lo beautiful Chico to find your new Golden Retriever.

Ch nes, AKC. males-tern. $100. GOLDEN Petriv pups, AKC, cnamp lines. UFA.

$250. 707-778-0480 aflr 6pm GOLDEN Ret pups 7wk beaut, COLDCN Ret Of AKC champi on line $75Qea xr-swr eves GOLDEN RETR 2yrs, AKC, trained $300BO 876-7655 GOLD RET pups AKC I wks. Old Shots. $175 COLO. Ret.

Pups, AKC, Fid bid lines, Of $275. 209-576-5425 GOLDEN Retriever pups, beaut AKC, 4 F3 $150 361-1649 GmIAT Dane. pups. Parents were gd watch dogs. $100 to $150 Carl 209-632-7671 GREAT Dane pups.

AKC reg BosBlk $150-up 707-998-3604 GREYHOUND PUPS, AKC, Snow Pet. V5Q ivi-in-rvrv uiuii AWAXI M. Cld.MPf;F mti Classic points. 3-Maie kittens $100 each. (415) 924-5729 HtMALAYANS 4 PERSIANS, Kittens $75 (707 938-4863 HIMALAYAN Kill.

Seal To- dept. Purebred $100 587-0690 IRISH SETTER pups AKC. $150Best offer 443-9250 IRISH Setter ACK, Pups. $100. 70-WJ-074U WISH Set.

pups, Ch Ins. AKC, WKS M-1175, F-S150. 994-6075 IRISH Set pup. purebrd Free to gfl hornet 707-446-9342 IRISH WOLFHOUNO pup. M.

12 AKC. 415-587-3144 JACK RUSSELL TERRIERS, It WkS. F. Shots. $50 282-3516 KEESHONO pups, AKC, MF, I1WIH, T1f--TVr Of KEESHONO pups, 6 wk, AKC Ch lines.

$175 (415) 531-4472 KITTEN, healthy, beautiful, rree. win oeuver. KITTEN LOVES Shots, pair, $15 00. 282-0084 KITTENS 7 wks, adorable, uiiwwiiwgrcv HXIIIRI, nui, tree to gd home, 386-0360 KITTENS. 11 wks to 4mos.

Well cared for beauties! Wormed; snots $10. St Francis 435-2097 KITTENS, FREE Pittsburg. 427-5994 KUVASZ, Family protectors. 100 Guar $400 up 873-9493 LAB mix. spayed yrs.

old, tree to quiet serene nome. uo. trnd, loving disposition. Call attr 5pm 593-2793 LAB. Beaut, pure 1 yr.

spd Fern. Marvelous ramiiy pes. so. t. Francis Society.

435-2097 LAB pups AKC, yellowblack. Ch lines 935-8147 LAB. Pups. EXCEPTIONAL! Blk. AKC, Shots $225.

707-996-9831 LAB. PUPS, YELLOW, AKC, $150 707-762-734J LAB pups, yellow, AKC, ch. lines, shots. $150. 631-0449 LAB F.

shots, ooed. trained. Free to gd home 647-1148 LABS, Golden AKC 8 wks Males $150; Fem $700 209-632-9281 LABS. Pups. Mixed (7) $10 to caring hm 236-1686; 863-1980 LORIE Violet.

Neck, l-i yrs, semi tamed wcage $750 574-5430 MACAW BG. Bare-eyed Cock atoo $595. ea. 30 day neaitn guarn evwked 408-379-9086 MACAW baby Tame 4 affec tionate $1495 779-3125. MALTESE, beaut, ch.

bred adult terns, for breeding. Sell tease 213-767-6032 MANX kits, (2), CFA, rare, tail less, loyal. $150 707-778-7520 MANX Kittens, shots, wormed, healthy $50. 707-823-0404 MASTIFF Male AKC, Ch. lines.

Obed 2 yr. Brindle. All shots $1500Best otter, wr.te po Box 4184. Fresno Ca 93744 NORWEGIAN EM Hound pups, Ch stock. $700 (415) 589-6225 OLDEng Sheepdog purebred.

8 wks. tans clipped, puppy shots. $100: $75 709-524-7052 OLD English Sneeooog pups. AKC, reg S750 916-967-3'92 ORIENTAL SH. rare bluecream Snots CFA $125 408-738-4988 PARROT Very unique Macaw.

Extremely affectionate, tame, talking. Quiet 1 12 yrs Lg. cageperch 400 897-7336 PARROT, Baby African Grey. $500BO: Motuccan cockatoo, $100080. 943-2044; 754-2592 PARROT, yellow Naoed Ama zon, 7mos.

very tame 4 talking $595 408-274-1271 PARROT Air. grey, lame, talks. WW cage- uo 3-9 PARROT, Atncan grey, 8 mo. nano tamed V50 j45-xui PARROT yel. nape.

lOmo lame- taiks. wcage sauo 557-693 PARROTS- Umbrella Cockatoo mated pair, 8 yrs. have produced, tamed female, $1695best. 408-274-1271 PARROTS -African grey, $995. Blue tront, $750.

Young, tame, talking wlg cages. 934-6079 PARROTS. Tresmanae $450. Mealy $300 (709)369-0328 PEKINGESE, AKC, Small Toy sz 6wks. Can deliv.

209-665-1107; write 1401 Orange. Chowchilla, CA 93610 PEKINGESE. Purebred female. 10 wks $175 524-4304 PEKINGESE pups. AKC, gor geous coat $150 579-4941 PERSIAN Kits.

Silver, Cameo CFA. 209-847-4196 PERSIAN CFA cn Calico 4 kittens $75up 709-523-2595 PERSIAN Kits. CFA crmwht blue $100 up (707(544-8337 PERSIAN Kittens, pet 4 show quality. 235-1410 PERSIAN reg Blcrm, Fem. Must Sell $100Bo 383-9010 PERSIAN Kits CFA.

Gr. Ch Sire Hlthygentle. $2504- 493-4841 PITBULL puppies, mixed. 7wks. Adorable.

Free to good nome only. Roy. days. 467-5787 PITBULL pups Sweeks, $50, Bob Ribero 334-8729 POM Pups. M4F.

$200-350 trade for 7 (707) 448-7877 POM. Male, 16 wks, light or ange AKC. $250 469-8349 POODLE Pups, blk mini. AKC regist. Ch sire.

Exc pedigree. 707-996-6173 POODLE pups. AKC, gd. pets 4 guard dogs, $200 4 up. (916)663-3727 aft.

5pm POODLE PUPS Royal Standard, Apncot. Beaut, akc. snots. 930-9767; 938-7870 POODLE Pups AKC, tO $750. TOySMiniS 355-587 POOOLE sale, pups, AKC, snots.

$125 $750. (408) 767-0638 POODLE Pups Mini, AKC, F4M, Black. $150 Up. 707-575-8661 POODLE Pups Royal Std, AKC, apricot $750 1707)762-5794 POODLES Panache Standards. Beaut.

Blk M's. AKC. Ch. Dam. $400 (415) 939-4443; 939-5894 POODLES.

T-CUPS 4 TOYS. All colors. San Jose. 379-4852 POODLES Miniature 1 wks Male, 2 Fem. $150 ea 825-1779 POODLES Tiny, Toy, Mini.

AKC. COfOrS. $700 Up 7U7-4J7-93M POODLES Tov 4 Teacup. AKC YOU II HKe SaCtO. 916-31-Z44 POODLES.

AKC. Red 4 Colors. $700 Up. Napa, 707-Z55-O69U PUG AKC rare black, MF (209)276-0593 Of 69J-4MK1 PUG 8 wks, AKC, del. Z09-Z66-447J coi eves.

ROTTWEILER M. 3 12 mo. Ch. SHed-ShOW. $700.

707-79-74M ROTTWEILER. AKC. 1 vr $800. 707-467-6701 eves. ROTTWIELER, 1 yrs.

Old. Hawing JJU, irwctJ ST. BERNARD Pups AKC. 5wkS Papers. 747-0469 Asking $550, (70) ttt-atc ST BERNARD Male.

7mos. AKC. $150. (408 554-8889 jjpguu SALUKI pups AKC Ch sired mf snowpei i3u-j3v AKC: $300-500 Must Sell! 707-467-O'UI evea Mini. AKC Pups, Champion srreo.

txewrem breed $300 Ply 689-8669 SCHNAUZER STANDARD Pups! AKC. $750. Tim SCHNAUZER Mini, 7 wks, AKC, $250ea. 2a-14Vruary SCOTT Terrier, AKC, Fem 11 mo Old. snots.

"i SHELTIE, AKC, In. 9 wks; fem. $775. Shots. SHELTIE pups.

Shots. AKC Ch, TV REPAIR SELL BUY TRADING Free pickupdeiiv 547-4755 Color TV Sale 21" $80 25" $100 647-3201 Hrs. 10 6 Guaranteed S66 Valencia SONY, MGA, RCA, Zenith and Hitachi from your COST PLUS leader. Miiibrae TV. SONY COLOR COST PLUS.

317 El Camina Miiibrae 697-8374 Open 7 Days SPEAKERS ESS-LS4 Tempest 3tran raceiwer Yamaha CH- 840, Turnlbl. Sanyo Q-40 direct drive auto. $l200otr. Se rious Ofrs onlyTM-weev VANOERSTEf Latest model highly-reviewed esoteric speaker system stands 4 5 yr warranty. $750, delivered 916-484-0187 CROWN TV RENTALS RENT TO OWN AS LOW AS $16.00 mo.

771-606 RH Lab lg. sub, eiec. x-over, PSE amp, new $1600. all $800. GAS Thalia $150, Marcot $60 James BEVERAGE RM- 1 pre amp.

back from tact, with latest tubes, must sell. $1395. 835-8376, 254-6519 PHILIPS PM3243 T. scope, sound tech. 1700B analyzer, amber 4400 multi-tester, 4 yrs, reasonable otter 415-454-7911 PIONEER SX-780 Receiver, 45W, CT-F500 Cassette Deck, Koss headphones, Reference spkrs $250.

821-2822 eve Spkrs. 4 way Pioneer drivers TRUCK LOAD SALE Sealed tact boxes. Save SlOO's SaC Guar. 595-5891 RCA VET 250, 10 tapes 10 mos old Cost $1000. sell $650.

954-2774 584-8065 James ROYCE 40 ch. CB base station, cmpl. cable, anten. 4 mast. $200 530-0336: M-F, 3-9 pm INFINITY spkrs, Sony integrated amp; cass.

deck: turn-tot $800 all or part 878-5070 KLIPSCH Heresy speakers, oiled walnut, like new, extras, $500 (415) 871-0769 MGA remote control color TV, Sony tape cass dk. GVC recvr 2 spkrs $1200bst off 355-3105 8UA0 electrostatic spkrs $1000 pr gd cond. Robinson. 392-0300 day 564-9575 eve MCINTOSH MC2300 pwr. amp.

409Wch, Ex cond. $1250; 34" wprf. rack $320 681-3189 WE Buy 4 Sell Used TVs, 84 or Color (415) 776-3643 ARC- 052B $750. acoustat mod el 2 $800, 59Z-4240 BANG 4 OLUFSEN turntable. 861-7980 Iv msg MAGNAVOX stereo console, Pecan $100 566-2754 eves NAKAMICHI 682-2X.

Still in sealed carton $1400 456-8112 INFINITY 2.5 spur, 1 mo. Old. $1850 Timj5-I4ji PEAVEY 600 PA syst. incl 2 column spkr $6 00 1 Do 348-6748 SPKRS. Cerwin-Vega.

S-l, 12 price $435pr 526-8468 THETA A pi i. $57: ire-amp. mint conoV tion, 5 (916)367-2694 YAMAHA stereo FM including turntable. $200 'BO 552-8469 JENSEN R400 AmFm cassette. $150 Never used 526-3434 MCINTOSH C504 pre-amp, case, $500oo mint K6J-9J97 PRECISION Fidelity tubed amp.

UO ttl-494 anytime MG i MINT BOXES $395. ARC D52B $645 MINT 408-295-8234 TV'S 23-25" color, $89, Irg selection Guar 334-3184 7 dys APT 1 Power amp. Unused. $530 bo 965-1707 eves. COLOR TV 19" 4 $135 each Must sell 386-0612 MGA 19in Color TV Almost new $450'Bo 876-537? QUAO.

ESL. $995. P. Fidelity C7A $250 Both mint. 872-2248 RECEIVER Quad.

$100 turnta ble, direct $100 567-1173, 10-5 OBX- 222 tape noise reduction, still tn box $175 day 433-3649 MAGNAVOX videodisc, $500. eves 130 MUSIC COLUMN Clines 92ND Year ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION At Our Huge Van Ness 4 Sutter Warehouse Location FEATURING FAMOUS BRANDS SUCH AS- Baldwin-Wurlitzer-Knabe Mason Hamlin More Spinets $1095 Consoles $1295 Uprights $595 Grands $2995 E-Z TERMS AVAILABLE Come In wmie Selections Last FREE TUNING 4 DELIVERY On Most Sales EASY PARKING 1305 VAN NESS at SUTTER SF 775-6611 Also Tanforan Mall 588-7373 Fashion Island Mall 570-5151 "Denotes Demonstrator USED PIANOS Kimball Spinet $1199 Wurlitzer Console $1499 Story 4 Clark Grand $1999 Wurlitzer Player $2499 Hazelton 5'4" Grand $2999 Steinert 56" Grand $4499 Knabe 5'4" Grand $4999 Baldwin 5'9" Grand $6499 PIANO RENTAL Rental Applies To Purchase WE BUY USED PIANOS Cash Paid For Quality Pianos bherman Clay since leO Kearny 4 Sutter 781-6000 PIANO RENTALS DAY WEEK MONTH RENT TO OWN BRONSTEIN MUSIC. 363 Grand So. SF 588-2502 761-0918 TEAC 4ch mixer. Mod 144.

2 mo. old $1000. Korg rvtnm 55 drum mach $400. Audio Technica profile mike $95. Shure- SM 58 mike $95.

Mike stand $50. Exc cond. consider ofrs, 588-5006 YAMAHAS PIANO RENTAL G. LEUENBERGER 543-1888 RENT a quality Amp. Gui tar, Bass, Eiec.

piano, band instrument. Dav-Week-Month. BHUNbltIN MUbirj. 761-0918 363 Grand Ave. South F.

RENT A PIANO S2S per month CLINE'S 775-6611 BALDWIN 5' 8" GRAND, French prov, spectacular Antique WhiteGold. JUST 7 YRS OLD! Must play it! $6500. 755-0877 KAWAI PIANOS 4 ORGANS The R. Kassman Stores 2050 Van Ness, S.F. 928-6200 2044 Broadway.

Oak. 763-5751 KORG OrganSynth. $1000. Roland Rhythm mach $225. Maestro Echoplex, $200.

408-266-8585 LEARN PIANO TUNING F. School Piano Technology Dayevewknd (415)861-2963 871-4482 967 Airport, 5 5. ORGAN, Hammond B3, Leslie speaker, reverb unit, cherry wood, exc. $2,300. Home 408- 624-4599 Wk, 408-758-0515 ORGAN, Wurlitzer, all cherry- wood console-4 bench.

Ap- prox. yrs. oto. Exc. cond.

$600 47-766B RENT TO BUY A PIANO Golden Gate Piano 4 Organ Inc. 106 SERRAMONTE MALL DALY CITY 994-6830 Sunn Concert Bass Amp. Top 150 watts and 2 Cerwin Vega 15" spkrs. Both like new $400 together or BO 557-2377 VIOLIN, collectors item. Carved scrollmedieval scene on back Written Sell $150 firm.

968-2542 9 FRAHS BOATS SINCe 197S GIANT WINTER CLOSEOUT! OCT THRU OCT 20 UNHEARD OF DISCOUNTS ON MARLIN- GALAXY- PIONEER" SLEEK TAHITI- CENTURION ALL ON DISPLAY WITH THIS AD 20 OFF ALL ACCESSORIES Your complete Marine dealer. Mercury- Mercruiser OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 1124 BAYSWATER AVENUE SAN MATEO (415)348-5888 CLOSEOUTS DISCOUNTS 20 to 60' POWER SAIL COMMERCIAL Electronics VHF 24 cn. $219; 64 cn. 20 scan $290; Sounders 60 60 waiarm $149: Loran Slten 767 $1395; SatNav POH. anchors, rope, compasses, dinghys.

Zodiacs, Johnson, Honda, float coats, paint 40 gai oattenes, bilge pumps, sextants. Kerosene healers, stoves end much more! Saie hours 10 am to 5 30 M-F Saturdays 10-2. All sales final. MARINE SALES CO. 324 Littletieid Ave South SF SALE PHONE 873-1795 78 Bertram 46' Fiberglass Sportsfisherman.

twin GM SV- 71 Tl dieset engines, 435 no eacn, flybridge, radio, auto pilot, cockpit freezer, bow plank, swim step, bait tank, Raytheon 2600 radar, TV, covers. Many alras. Exclnt cond Principals only Call B. Garcia 714-797-5945 ONE OF A KIND replica Monte rey built by Cheoy Lee. ah wood, excellent accomodations, many extras.

Great li-eaboard Prime Sausalito bertn. Owner may help finance $45,000 (415)332-4542 or 332-7347 BEAUTIFUL 36' cabin cruiser, tull canopy, new crpt 4 drps, Irg. closets, 112 bath shower, tull oven, hot water, sundeck. fishing deck, 8' tinghy 4 motor Engines need overhaul. $28000.

Negotiable 714-578-3783 THE BOAT WORKS Sanger Hondo Banner Beechcraft Galaxy V-Drives. Hydros Stock Family Boats In Stock 770 El Camino San Carlos (415) 595-0556 AT MORRO CA. 6511 Sportvessel. USCG approved 48 passenger. Twin diesel.

galley. 32 Bunks. AVR null. Good condition. Asking $45 -000.

Operator deceased, must Sell Call 805-489-3229 MARINE TRADERS-NEW DIESEL TRAWLERS IT to 50' 34 $59,500 44' Twin $117,500 FI0RE YACHTS Oays 285-7071 Eves 589-0977 70 FT YACHT Fully equipl. luxury appoint ments, twin screw. US coast Guard approved 100 passengers. $250,000 706-733-9440 706-671-5695 Dan home 40' MARINE Tiaoer sed trawler 1979 twin 120 Only 145 hrs 57' CHRIS CONNIE 1968 twin IV71 Eit hardtop 900 eng Hrs. Consider trades, own finance JOHN 871-2295.

DAYS 28' CARVER 1975 twin eng Flybridge, trim tabs, Delta canvas, shower, Bimini top, Full electronics, etc. etc $25,500. 684-2330 Ask for Joe or John ZODIAC, Metzeier, Achilles 4 AMPAC INFLATABLES! Mercury 4 Suzuki OutboardS SALES AND StHVICt 623 Mam St. Redwood City Lowest Prices 415-37-1772 HATTERAS YACHTS Ottering No 4 So. Cal Listings plus Large Brokerage Display HATTERAS OF CALIFORNIA Baiiena Bav Alameda 573-8711 CHR'S-CRAFT SILVERTON MAINSHIP CENTURY Tower Park Yacnt Sales Highway 12.

Lodi (209 369-1041 COBALT 75 19 oeep V. on Tandem axle trailer brakes VHF radio Many extras. Best offer over $8,500 Dealer 624-3545 24' SEARAY 1979 Flybnoge. DF. VHF, super clean, zero nours on new lower unit, many extras $21,500 684-2330 Ask tor Joe or John SKI Nautique 2001 1982.

unoer 80 nrs like new, ail xtras. trlr $14,400 not a promo, wll trail to No. Calif. 503-223-1921 wkdys 503-646-7513 STEPHENS 30 sedan, classic style twn electronics, legal head, loaded. Exc cond bst ofr.

Fin avail. Tom. 834-2490 581-7460 eves BAYLINER CLEARANCE PRICES TOO LOW TO PRINT! On the Water On the Price VIP Dock town C. 415-363-7013 BAYLINER SALE' Delta Goes Wholesale! CARTER MARINE BETHEL ISLAND 415-684-3611 EAGLE 40 twin dsl. trawler.

new. Loaded, hi-quality. fast. Must sell, ask for Frankie MIKE LAMPE YACHTS 835-1134 76 TRAIL -RITE Sail boat trailer. 10 000 lbs cap Surge brakes, new tires $2700 firm (415IB97-2305 774-777 24' SARATOGA Bayliner 1974.

Sleeps 6. V8 eng. trailer Asking $11,950. 684-2330 Ask tor Joe or John SEA CAMPER 24' 1973 used as a boat or trailer. Fully sell-con tained 6 cyl.

684-2330 Ask tor Joe or John CALIF0RNIAN 30' diesel traw ler. 1979 boat, very clean ano economical. Call BARBARY COAST 415-457-9772 OWEN FLAG SHIP 58 29 FT Cruiser tot. restored In vested $32,000 Asking $17,000 Call bet 8-5 800-742-1886 BOSTON whaler 17'. 65HP Merc.

trlr. comml. lie. 4 hand gurdies, CB, deptn sounder $8000. 408-475-9488 3V Wellcratt-Flybnoge, First in California.

Larson Marine, 1325 W. Fre mont. Stockton 209-465-5801 LAMPE 4 MARTIN YACHTS Specializing in Used Umflites 4 select brokerage. (415)671-6825 SKIPJACK COBALT SAN RAMON BOAT CENTER (415) 837-5558 UNIFLITE 28' twin loaded $17,900, win rraoe. 707-545-7095 539-7717 ev i iueibaidb Pvn For BLUE DOLPHIN (415) 865-5353 17' Olsen.

Low pro ski boat. 130 uniuA in crsaf inm t.t-f-fn wf trailer eves saw, ixicD IB I FT 75 John son Motor trailer canvas top. $7700 557-0307 an epm FIBERFORM EXECUTIVE 2800 78, only 13U nrs, loaoeu, uon er incl $37,500 479-5971 eves. 17' T-Bird. Tn hull, 140 IO, Trlr 125 hrs.

Mooring canvas, ex cellent condition, -rnin BAYLINER 79 28' cabin cruiser EZ load trtf. too many tO llSt. S70UU. COBALT 79 Condessa 22', 1 owner, loaded, ime new, ways garaged (916)966-5782 77 26' Fibertorm wtlybrioge, 350 cnevy iu, ion or wici. tromcs 468-765-7994 eves 204' Galaxy '82, tull can.

260hp OMC. 2ax tn, many xtras 25hrs 499-0429 twin Merc 140, EZ load trailer! many extras. iuij-j-p7o rmcRFORM 28' twn eng. exc cond $15.000. Broom 534-6700 195S 30' Hunter cabin cruiser Bargain 529-1903 SEARS 5hp boat eng.

Runs good. $225 872-2432 evs 13'5" DORY-SKIFF. $1100; 9 4' PRAM DINGHY $500. 388-0900 EXPRESS Tolly. '69.

34'. Load ed Fin. avail. 415-454-1375 20' Ooen fsnrmn. ctr.

console. 135HP trlr. $5800 408-243-6672 PROF. Built Steel Hulls Power 4 Sail. 707-879-7507 Wanted 175-1 TRAOE 3 acre hillside cabin on lake for fiberglass cruising sailboat.

707-459-6012 BUDGET RENT A PIANO New Console $1 00 a day Excelsis Music 583-4833 USED PA KEYBOARD EQUIP WANTED: Witt pay top Call 673-3636 Ask tor Bill FENOER Twin Reverb wmstr vol. $350. HUMBUCKING U. Brand nu $50 892-6545 eves GIBSON Gold FLY 481 Anni. Mooet 47 ot 50.

Built in ovl. unit $750 wcase 6I1-5J8B St-LPSG 33737, 1 ot 1st 10 made, ong owner, aptx iaw, sacr: S1500BO 778-4955 PERCUSSION cymbals $125; gong $250; xylophone $450: orchestra belts $300. 673-6412 PIANO, Carved Victorian sml Emerson upright. Exc. COnd.

$2500 916-927-8720 piece Rogers drum set, ZilOlian cymoais mgn nei. Very gd cond $400 564-6757 TUBA flat Miraphone. 4 rotary valves, pert, cond $2300. ACROSONIC, Circa 1940. Rare case.

$1950 fi-ima BABY Grand, Mollner Ebony. Exc. cond. $2500 43-en BALDWIN 5 2" Ebony $4500 Ivory Keys Exc cond 6i-ywi BALDWIN piano upright studio, exc cond, $1700. 992-6043 BARITONE Sax Conn.

$650. Beautiful sound 775-Z177 CONGO drums (3 LP), like new, $600 Evenings 276-O05 M75 pwr amp $699 Palo Alto 493-91 J7 DEAN Elite. Like new $350; Fender twin $350 586-7440 Bob FENOER twin rev. 1 yr. old.

casters $400ost orr. i-- 'St Fender Mustang. $500 or best offer 986-6722 FENDER Rhodes 88 eiec. piano. like new $80080 707-527-9794 FENDER BASS wcase, exc.

COnd $350 452-3882 GIBSON 1917 A-3 mandolin. mint cond. $700, GIBSON SG $425 Anvil slight case for tele $175 59J-'I5 GIBSON J200 acoustic guitar. '69 custom $625 65J-906? GRAND, Kawai walnut. Beaut cono buw b--hb GROTRIAN 810 cone gr $3500 STEINWAY ur $7900 593-1804 HAMMOND B-3 2 Leslies, Rhodes 88 BO 325-0193 LUOWIG, Compl 5 Rototoms, Ziidiian K5Q.

biymi iuj MARSHALL amp 4140; like new; $5000 Ofr 929-0744- Tom 1956 Martin D-28 $100000. Call Tom. 673-5341 MEINHART Bassoon. Gd cond. $400 msg 441-5622.

Mark ORGAN, Farfisa; vib. 4 modes, great cond $395. 931-0574 ORGAN Baldwin Pro 222 5 mos Cost $1 IK $5400 BO 755-16J5 ORGAN Conn Caper wrhytnm. $80000 44-U4ir PEDAL Steel sno-bud super pro $1400 441-9791 8-1 lam 9-10pm PIANO Wurhtzer Spinet Ea. cond $1000 408-736-0535 eve PIANO.

Upright, good cond. 4 for practicing $450. 468-4259 PIANO Baldwin Grand 6' wal nut, exc cond $5500 456-8960 PIANO Spinet. Exc cond! Biack. $500 firm.

621-3J89 evenings PIANO antique upright, works gd. $225 bestotter 864-6068 PIANO Spinet. Excellent cond, bench, tuned $900 431-1 187 PIANO Baby Grand. Fine cond. Lovely tone V450 PIANO upright, must sell.

$300051 ofr. 832-7753 PIANO, upright grand. $500. 621-1684 PLAYER PIANO, eiec. antique.

me snd $1475ofr. 797-1194 PRACTICE PIANO. Looks bad. Sounds gd. $300.

332-5739 PRE CBS bass amp, 72 preci sion. Yam Guit SSM) 854-J588 RHODES 73 mint cond $500. Arp-2600 syn bst ofr 641-8660 RHODES 73 Key wi pre-amp. Ex COnd $800 540-8456 RHODES keybrd. wamp $600.

must sell 967-1439; 733-4900 RICKENBACKER 12 String, was Kihn s. Cond $700 938-2356 SELMER Alto sax Bundy II prof. moutnpiece $4oo SPEAKERS Pr JBL 4560 15" enclosures. $450 454-2911 SPECIAL Edit. 71 Yamaha 12 string $450 Kate 821-4682 1924 STEINWAY 7'.

Terms xcelient condition 530-8652 STEINWAY Grand. Rebuilt $11,000 eveswknos 751-0281 STEINWAY. 7' Sprb. All as new $15,995. Terms 213-845-7674 STRING Bass, funky wmce case uooofr 916-447-3556 Bene Conn 88H.

great shape. tves. 9J4-5J VIOLIN, good cond A beautiful piece1 $800 521-7478 weekend WELLINGTON UPRIGHT PIANO good com) $500. 366-7319 YAMAHA Eiec Piano $950ofr Fender Bass $180ofr 626-2575 Wanted 130-1 WE BUY PIANOS CLINE'S SINCE 1889 WE BUY 775-6611 135 PHOTOGRAPHY HASSELBLAD 140-280 Macro zoom; Letca M3 body; Mole 2K oaoy zip Kit; Moie 4K oaby zip. ror rrices can arij-jrj PHOTO compl.

Besseler 4X5 OK rm. phone tor invent sold as unit, $800. Nikon sold sep 479-6053 after 7 SELLING your Leica' Give us a chance to serve you. THE DARK ROOM, 566-3606 HASSELBLAD ELM, meter prism, hand grip. Mint $1950.

415-641-5006 916-583-5829 MINOLTA 84 Snd. movie boom true. t. 7000 proj. Like new wwarr.

$675 756-4024 ASCOR, QC-4, 4 lites, 400 Ws. me sianos, case, ioc. setup, misc. j-um HASS 250T-star, mint. $975 Bellows, slide cpy eqp $500 iron B94-0551 222-0618 OLYMPUS.

OM-2N 01k bod. 1.4 winder 11, viv. SR 1, Extras uu BRONICA EC w75mm Nikkor 200mm Nikkor. Exc. Cond.

VOU; 543-6056 931-3673 HAaotLBLAO 80mm 2.8. prism, Mjmm, mint, many xirqa. jutb ott. ev NIKKORMAT FT2, NIKKOR 24 iic, us fj.5 $575. All or part.

o-jr-pjij teves. MAMIYA Sekor 55mm, $150. CANON RM 55mm wS Ins. SIO 994-3175 NORMAN 2000. Beseter 43MI.HX, Toyo 45G (bst mdl), Nikon vu lenses 982-6651 CAC 3SMM GAF lelephotowide an gle teie-convrtr, pwr pck.

flash. $250 IB Off. 521-0161 LEICA appraised at THE DARKROOM NO fee 566-3606 NIKON F-3 body, never used, 3JU rirm fltJ5B3-449 uLrMcua om-zn, exc. cond wjumrn i 3aq 992-9282 PENTAX K-1000. Complete ii3 rnvate 5-7 pm NIKON F3 body, $579.

50mm, LttkA unused $999; jjmm lens )M9 885-1530 NIKON Zoom 50300 4 5EO mo old, only $1599 885-1530 PENTAX 2 bodies. 35. 50. tuv acc X3U MJ-5698 lanon t-l with 50mm 1.4, ju txc cono 752-7873 DRY Mount Press. Seal 110s extras: I3 19-8567 ENL.

Lens. 150mm Comp $200; yjmm mikkor: J50 929-8567 LINHOF Technika IV, 3 lens tfl-ces, ieuu Ott-tOIH) MAMIYA 67 Pro Outfi $701)0 Dian 681-8294 NIKKOR 80-200mm zoom, mint cono, wcase, $350. 885-1153 OHM. set ot. king tut.

solid wood, yrt. Old ong. cost $1000 Sell tor $950 664-5607 BORM set, large nice wood king no. 567-136 BCORMSETSEpc 1169 59 aur aocds or sota enrs in BUNK BED Compl. Set 139 GEARY FURN.

771-1213 784 Geary St. it Hyde SF BEDROOM SET. 7 pes. $179. (LUBE FURNITURE 2243 Mission bet lltn A 19th BEDS FROM $50.

Dressers, night tablet, chairs 4 mirrors- all at reduced prices. Final 2 wks. ot liquidation sale1 Leamington Hotel. Oakland Mr Haddock 135-5200 BEDS BEDS 7474 Polk St 2062 Mission St 671 Divisadero BEDS! 441-5074 63-9292 346-6098 BEDS, twin maltress set frame like new $150 441-1898 BREAKFRONT, Drexel. Appx.

5272. $l0O0Off. 333-8992 BUFFET, $200., 6 Chippendale style din. chrs $150 'ea gateleg tbl $400 752-7455 CARPET Nylon Plush. $5 55 sq yd Comml $4 sq yd 285-8743 COUCH, brown new $700 1 BO veiour.

Like 570-7760 COUCH 4 loveseat matching. $125. like nu. 334-5473fatt 5 CRIB Youthbed. wdrwrs $350 ca King $175 ec rn-iw CRYSTAL 70 pc.

Ven. handcul lead. $1200'B'O 665-9018 DIN rm. Dk oak. Med.

6 chrs Seats 12 $900: Secretary 4 credenia $00. Oriental rug $800; 864-7179 OIN set rnd glass table, cnr base, 4 brn velvet chrs $800 BO Estate sale 469-7494 OIN. Table solid maple 48 round w4 hi-back chairs $500 921-7276 bet 11 am DINETTE set, wrought iron ice cream parlor $125 757-7396 DINING Set Teak 6 chairs. leaves. $950 Compare Copen hagen.

SF for $1565 453-881 DINING Room, oval wpad, but fet. 6 Chrs $650bO 561-4264 DINING Room Suite. 12 PC Brovnill Cont $1000 664-8954 DRESSER. i dk maple $100 Reowd 731-0784 DRESSER 9 drawer wmir, Sim- pie Ok wd Style $100 566-5949 FURNITURE Used. New.

damaged 4 un matched From storages, fac tory samples. 1000 misc Warehouse Clearance. Auc tion price. A A 424-9th St (Harrison, 5F 415-861-3895 HOSPITAL bed, deluxe Nelson eiec. Exc $1800ofr 341-6298 KIT.

tbl. tomica top. dk 6 chrs Gd cond $85 587-5960 LIV. Rm set compl Dm rm. set $850'bst Ofr.

355-3105 LOUNGE CHAIR 4 OTTOMAN. "Glove leather Deep Gold Ec qual $775 457-1711 LOVESEAT 4 Sofa, black white. 9 modern look $700bo Must sell 459-7494 LOVESEAT sofaoed. exc cond, $H5oifer, 921-6407 eves MATTRESS BARGAINS Simmons authorized factory outlet tor as-is mattresses. Save 50 from reg list price FREE DELIVERY NATIONAL SOFABED 4 MATTRESS CO.

Oakland 2328 Telegraph 444-2112 MATTRESS Set King. SLOANES. Ant white hdbd, 2 nitestnos $300 564-9567 MATTRESS, box sprng frame. full, exc $150(0 0 285-601? PERSIAN rugs. Advent TV, an tiques, etc Everytmng must go' 383-8423.

Jane RATTAN Furniture. Lg dis counts Brand names 929-1347 REFRIG. Hotpoint, goidtone Very gd cond $175 668-511 lev ROCKING Chair, solid oak, 2 wks old. $200: Oak bookshelf $100: 2 marble tbis. $l00neg.

Scott 845-2310; 540-9987 RUGS (2). Karastan. wool, Ori ental 8x11' $700 ea 561-4264 RUGS Unclaimed 9X12 $19 95 up Supreme Clnrs 2931 Geary SOFA Veiour, off white Good cond. $250ofr. 441-1078 SOFA, loveseat, Early Amer Estate sale $800 BO 469-7494 SOFA Beaut, burgundy, tull length $400.

Call 863-8757. SOFA, Crush velvet cottee 4 2 end tables $400. 522-4479 SOFA cust. cut velvet 7', mod orange, exc. $400 841-2597 TABLE kitchen sm w12" Ivs.

2 Chrs. gd COnd $45 821-9694 TABLES, cot2 end, tntd glass Estate SI. $700BO. 469-7494 WATERBED King, leather en cased, like new floatation matt, $400bo, 326-6079 WATERBED King. Fioation tree, air frame Heater 4 ped estal $175 474-2253.

WATERBED. an. firm matt ndord. i mo oia 2i-ojjf WATERBED, queen, complete, $90. 665-9018 QUALITY carpeting, painting 4 furniture tor Free con sulting 4 estimates.

776-7776 LOUIE XIV furniture. Lamps, stereo. Must sell 952-6777. APT. Sale.

7 rms. Everything goes, t-urnmisc. i-mm 120 HOME APPLIANCES Alt) COND. Frig. Washer Dryer Stv Dsnwshr.

Exc 334-2187 APPLIANCE used. Seil-buy-re- pair Retstv wshdry 752-5110 DISHWASHER, Dryer, Washer stoves Clean. Reas. 5B4-56J2 DRYERS, Washers, Freezers, stoves and Refrigerators ROORIGUES Appliances 3036 24th St 647-6760 ESPRESSO mach. Riveria $450; Bezzeia $875.

576-8468 FREEZER GE 15 cu ft. no frost Like nu $350 563-4880 8-9am FRIG Freezer. 17cf Gibson. Un der warr Grn. $350 661-1186 MICROWAVE OVEN Tapoan EXC COND! $399 209-478-3466 OVENS (2) Eiec.

GE. Self clning, Din. set SlOO-bo. 36" stv hood $100-bo. Vaniety oresser rs-oo mi-am REFRIG lg.

White, good cond $150. Port. Dishwasher $75. REFRIG, E. Irg.

2 yrs. old, gold, gooo cono iuu. Wi-iish Wards frost free, copper, exc cond. $150. 664-6549 REFRIG 2dr frost free $140: freezer upright $150 992-5511 REFRIGERATOR SPECIAL $65 Up Rodrigues Appliances 3036 24th St 647-6260 REFRIGERATOR, GE No Frost, great cond.

Needs minor freezer work $150. 583-7265 REFRIGERATOR Freezer, twin door, like new, $225, 468-0687 SEW. MACH. New White $129-, Viking or Pfaff 1299; Used $39 50 6277 Mission 755-0605 SEWING MACH CABINET Versatile! Storage chr 4 many access, ssvuoo. 7rs-i STOVE, Wedgewood.

1920. Exc Cond $225. 331-0411 evs STOVE. Double oven. Electric.

White $390. 343-4996 WASHER 4 GAS DRYER, GE, top of the line, large capacity, 1 yr old, exc cond, $600 BO 398-1810 days, 756-4978 eves WASHER KENMORE heavy duty, easy hook-up, $200 983- ibiu pays, U1-J299 eves. WASHER dryer prtbie Hen- more sisoea 588-7131 pm WASHER -Kenmore. Exc cond. Can deliver.

$145 829-3237 WASHER and dryer 79. SEARS best! Like new $475 752-2396 WASHER DRYER. Wards eiec trie Exc cond $700 664-6549 WASHER Dryer. Whirlpool apt. size 1 yr.

$400 845-2537 WASHER Dryer. Maytag. 2 yrs Old. Ik nu. $600 664-1038 WASHING Machine, Portable, $100oest offer 821-0370 RENTALS newused.

Wsnrs, Dryers, Refngs, Freezers. Hardina Appi. Sales. 629-1530 SHflTtf Pups, AKC, IP, 2M, SableWht. 707-539-1127 SHELTII, AKC sweet, smart 4 saote-sin.

jivi) tl itht SHELTIES, Champ, sired, all ages, x-mas pups. $200, Sable wnite, snots super temp. Ch at stud 676-l770634-5Olf SHCLTIES, AKC. 2M ea ir I3U. ru--w SHELTIES ch lines: I wks SI'S 209-251-6113 SHELTIES pups AKC.

$100 up. aaoie rrnt. ur-fn-uius SHELTIES Reg AKC. Same wni. Jf 175, 707-996-4754 SHEPAROS.

Rd 4 Blk. SchH II, 2 rs. male. German bred, AKC; ranBlk Male. 10 vrs.

AKC. both attack trained 549-3834 SHIH T2U Puppies AKC, beaut. cn lines. JJUO 2W47-3756 SIAMESE KITTENS: Sealpoint, Biuepoini; 11 15 wks. Beautifully marked.

Box trained. 707-437-5773 SIAMESE Kittens, Reg. Blueot. fem. jmos.

Litteroox trned. Shots $90 209-982-1450 att 4 SIAMESE Kittens $50 best ot ter. Seal PIS. 589-0612 SIAMESI 4 HIMALAYAN Kits $40. Stockton, 209-478-5087 SIAMESE kits seaipomt 7 wks.

387-8429 SIAMESE kittens, beaut, i wks, good markings $65 971-7097 SIAMESE kits seal blue Shoti, 3mo, 75ea, 586-9764 SIAMESE kits. CFA. registered, Seal Pt. $75bO 682-3458 SIAMESE kittens(3), shots. eacn.

707-996-4479 evewknos Husky pups, wks. Champi-i sued. exc. oed. All snots $300.

209-439-3481 SIB. Huskies Blue eyes Great masks AKC $275 408-475-1 1 75 SIBERIAN Husky 2 mos. 1 male. 1 tern. $700 eacn, AKC, silverwhite 877-6571 SIB Husky Mai 3mo.

wpapers $700 707-576-9J99; 129-2359 SILKY TERRIERS, Toy. non- shed $700 Up 707-437-9388 SILKY TERRIER PUPS. AKC. $150 (707)795-7070 StLKV Terrs. AKC.

9wks. Ch Siredam 707-887-1014 SPRING Spaniel pups, AKC, ch lines SnotS )l5 415-647-3S10 SPRINGER Spaniel pups, AKC, ped papers, 6 wks. 0 or I. pert, pet or snow $125 00 Shots wormed. 707-425-7049 TANKS 12) 125 gal.

pieiegiess saltwater cust stand. $700. 707-762-0937; 584-1171 ev TERRIER SETTER, darling 1 yr. WhiteBrown spd. Female, lovely dispo.

$35 St. Francis Society 435-7097 TIBETAN TERRIER PUPS. AKC. like Mini Sheep dog. Pick ot litter quality; exciting colors.

Exc. health 4 personality, snots. 499-8393 TIBETAN MASTIFF M. 2i yrs. very rare, very protective $1200 707-996-5615 VI1SLA pups.

Natl, fieid champ bidins. Hunting companion dogs S1S0M, $200 Evwknds 707-485-8876 WEIMARANER AKC PUPS $175. 209-673-2335 WEIMARANERS, AKC. Champi on knes i WKS $350 339-6329 WtREHAtR fox terr, 2 pups. 10WKS, AKC $150 709-935-1009 WOLF- Maiamute 4 Wolf- Husky 4 Wolt-Snep pups, reg $150 up cash 9I6-92S-7127 VORKIE, AKC.

$1 95. Also one 12 YorKie 12 Poodle. $80 Near Sarto 709-748-2127 VORKIE AKC houseOroKen. $350 209-577-0618 YORKIES, AKC. Champ sired Shots $J50-S4UO 916-397-7580 YORKIES AKC M4F.

small Blue 4 Ootd $300up 707-894-5785 YORKSHIRES, top qual aouli terns for OreeOing. Elegant -yfull snow coat 713-767-6032 YORKSHIRE Terrier pup fe male. AKC, $750 707-557-8746 DOCKTOR PET CENTER All type pets 4 cmpl pet Sup plies. Stonestown 564-5112 ADOPT a well cared tor dog from St. Francis Society Fees $20 up.

435-2097 Closed Mon. 150 HORSES-STOCK GELDING half quarter horse halt morgan, bay 7 yrs for exo rider, good lumper and trail horse, willing, gentle, gor- geous 15 3 H. $7 500 921-5612 NAPA HORSE Center tor Lease 36 in-door stalls, paddocks, in-door out-door arenas -(707)255-1000 or 255-2232 1981 purebred Arab filly. Weanl ing grey by El Paso son. out of Bask granddaugnter $1500.

707-823-4199 ALFAFA, OAT HAY, WHEAT. unuws nnuts. tai Bought i Sold (4151 782-1526 THOROUGHBREO 3 yr. oid mare Blk. 16H.

Hunter lumper prospect. (408)268-9277 Patty 2 Beautiful ARABIAN Geldings Sacrifice at $1000 each! Porterville 209-781-4198 DESPERATEI Must sell 3 of our beaut reg Arab Mares to cover taxes 707-944-8552 Napa DRESSAGE lessons 4 training by US Dressage Federation Bronze Medalist. 530-0874 AQHA Yearling SorrelFlaxen Geld. Big, tiasny gentle. Hand raised $900 897-7747 BULLARO'S ARABIANS Sates Breeding-Trainine-Lessons Leasing Terms.

(707 864-8)51 CHESTNUT Gelding 15 2H, HJ. good on trails, exc. schooling horse $1000. 851-0678 AIT UAV tl nA. Kala.

If. hllac or more vs.s eacn. can 657-5750 pays; ivi-isst eves 16H, 5 yr. dark bay. TB mare.

good mover, started over fences. $3500 707-833-5053 HORSE VAN 75 Chevy C65. All aluminum Wilcox body SUPERB! $22,000. 408-426-0302 ARABIAN HORSES. Exc.

selec tion. Terms 916-687-6540 snncn crnnru rw-t Pacifica, Ca. APPY mare 5 yr. blk wht. prof.

train, gentle. i4uu la-vm PYGMY Goat Breeding pr. $250 BO 851-3709 aft 6pm AUARTERHORSE gelding, years. $800. (707)552-6835 1S.3 Syr.

old TB Gray Gelding. FabUIOUS! $8000 415-778-5079 4yr TB Geld Outstanding mvr. winner $3500 77-5ur-i 162H, 4 yr. reg. appy.

id mover, well started. u-jj-5U33 155 MACHINERY This Classification is now part of BUSINESS TO BUSINESS In the Financial pages 160 HEAVY EQUIPMENT This Classification is now part of BUSINESS TO BUSINESS In the Financial pages 165 PRINTERS' COLUMN This Classification is now part of BUSINESS TO BUSINESS tn the Financial pages 1'" 175:: BOATING OWENS '57, 24'. wood Cabin. Inord. $7700.

707-427-4737 STAR. 16 ft. 65 mere. New top 4 seat: siouutraoe 355-8761 17' boston whaler, twn 50 teak Otter. 408-758-3545 FIAT OUTBOARDS- unused.

5np $450. 644-2244; 239-1539 EXCITING SHIPMENT American Oik 1 Walnut Furniture fot Kitchen, Office Dining Rnt, Bedroom 4 Den Lois of overstuffed furniture VICTORIAN ANTIQUES 1126. 4 1400 Pomona Crockett MIS) 787-2372 ANTIQUE DOLLS! MINIATURES SALE! SUN OCT. II, 1981 Palo Alto Hyatt House 4290 El Camino Real Adm S2 50 10am-4pm JUST Returned from i wks. through Midwest 4 new Eng-land State, walnut, pine.

Cher' ry oak furniture, primitives, glass, lamps. All hand picked. Not a container load. Angela's Antiques 234 So Cresent Ave- LOdl Ca 209-334-1252 HUMMEL PLATES 1976 thru 1980. Hummel bells 1971 4 1979.

1980 Hummel Anniversa ry plate. Collection of Hummel Mothers Day plates 4 figu rines- 1976 thru 1980 Below market price Days (707)584- 9U; ives (707 (873-347 ART PVT PARTY MUST SELL Boulanger, Picasso. Matisse, Delacroix, Dali and others. Org. oils.

Iithos, Suites, lino- cuts, woodcuts, etchings. Days 707-745-6900, Eves WKndS 415-284-7495 WAREHOUSE SALE SAT. 4. SUN. OCT.

17 4 11 American Oak Furn. Saloon de cor, Juk boxes, etc. 755 Loma Verde. Palo Alio, 856-3750 ESTATE JEWELRY SALE MAGNIFICENT SAVINGS' Best ot East Coast European Estates FRI-SAT, OCT 16-17 THEODORA JEWELRY. Suite 1003 210 POST.

SF 398-4707 NIEMAN Original Seriograpns Save 1500 each. Must Sen 'Satchmo'. (Framed) ANDOR 'Vegas Biackiack framed Pr Prty 415-941-2260 941-5749 THE COLLECTIVE ANTIQUES 75 shops ot Quality Annaues, Collectibles 4 Rugs 55 E. 3rd Av Mateo 347-2171 Open 7 oavs DECORATOR liquidating SF apt. Antiques, art deco or -en' tal, specimen plants, oriental carpets, lamps, unusual oecor alive items 921-3394 TANSuS Container 19th cent Japanese chestsart at WHOLESALE 1849 Union St.

SF, 921-4117 Early California Paintings BOUGHT 4 SOLD Deakm. GJ Denny. Percy Gray, others 415-753-0368 MC COY Auction Co, American 4 European Antiques. Tues. night auctions 35201 Newark Bivd.

Newark 793-9511 ORIGINAL PRINTS 4 POSTERS Direct from France ICART. MUCHA. CHERET. BERTHON, TOUSSAINT, etc 931-2670 ROCKWELL. 15 color lithograph "Young Lincoln" Published by Ettinger 510.000 408-335-3906 BAYSHORE Auction Gallery Authentic American Antiques 364-8888 GREAT AMERICAN 30 DealersOpen 7 Days 10-6 1736 Lombard SF 922-2650 ANTIQUE Pinoall Macnme Bally Beauty, 3 card, good cond.

$325 583-7265 BOULANGER original oil 1971. Unusual still-lite. Les Fieurs 459-0160 Rhonda EOISON Sid phono comb type Moo SN745022 100 Cyl 2 Ndis Nygaard (406)392-5533 1881 Mason Hamlin pump organ Very ornate. Beaut, cond. $7000 BEO 34, Spool manog $b50; (2) maple twin beds, box spring matt.

5125 each 641-9487 ENCYCLOPEDIA Bntanica. lltn 1910 Lthr. bound. Fine cond $290 441-2222 NEIMAN. Large selection of senographs 714-675-0073 or 714-345-4123 ROLL Top antique oesk 4 cnr.

50 yrs old Solid oak. Exc cond $2800. 921-5722 ANTIQUE secly Oak. 1910 7 36 wd. leaded glass, desk below beaut $800 886-0149 HENRY Moore Litnogiapn, signed, numbered, XXV.

$2000 838-2463 eves ANTIQUE Teiepnone Saie Sat. Oct i. jack London Vii. oak-land. CA 9am-4pm Adm $1 00 SERtNOtPITY, 1467 Pine F.

Lost Ise-Entire inven 4 fix. Reduced 30 12-5. Tues-Sat. OAK BUFFET $220. 3 Mirror Dresser $390 More.

Or Best Ofteri 921-1852 QUALITY REPROS. Rose Carter 1174 Howard 621-3054 ART-DECO. Snopnow open' Mr. Slick's, 472 Ellis St. 441-2504 BRONZE inscence burner.

Early mmg-dynasty $4800. 441-8739 CHINESE Wedding bed 80 yrs. $900. 408-354-3385 PIANO, Sq Grand Exc. cond.

Fairtld $1900 707-864-1626 STERLING silver, place 64 piece. $1600, 893-9703 STERLING Silver dish by Salva dor Oali. $500. 775-4396 REFRIG 1927 GE. looks good works $785 J8J-8470 ROLLTOP Oesk.

large oak Matching ch $2500. 538-5627 SIDE Chairs wood with cane 19th cent ea 566-8176 VICTORIAN dresser, beaut. walnut. $500 386-1439 eves muspiial Bed an elect, reg twin exc vuobo 446-1181 HOUSEHOLD SALE Trash 4 Treasures. 346-8814 MIRO Carborundum etchings.

Many lr)-197 707-528-7709 PINE steoock cuoord. $2200 Snaker rocker, $300 349-9254 PVT. 10 rm home, full ot fine antqs All goes! Appt 349-9254 QUILTS Vintage American $185 up Call for appt. 328-1430 AFGHANI rugs Kilims. excell prices 92B-3337 ANTIQUE Snop for lease 6 yrs.

omo iw oivisaaero E. PAYNE fine painting, 527-1920 $2300 JAPANESE Korean Mmgei antiques $250 343-4226. MANTLES, 2 Irg Vict, Over- mantle $600 each 474-7275 MARK Pernn 2 org Watercol-Ors, 1960'S $2500 707-743-1868 NOYER 'Ladies in Red' ong. Iitho $1100bo 221-3588 PAT Nagei orgm. paintings Call aft 6PM 254-1008 PRE-COLUMBIAN ART Figures 4 Bowls 771-2059 SLEIGH BED.

feathered mahog. Mint. $700ofr. 408-666-7034 WELLS Fargo. Trunk.

Fully documented $950 461-6810 CHAMBERS BZ classic gas range $400 BO 591-8353 eves NEIMAN serigraph of Willie Mays, $7500 656-7372 after 5 ANTIQUE CHINESE FURNITURE BARBER Chair, white proceiin, hydraulic $800 707-584-0982 OAK Cabme, leaded slam gls. Ors. $2500 707-584-0982 Wanted 110-1 Antiques Jewelry BLACKWELL 563 Sutter 433-4886 ORIENTAL RUGS Wd. any type, cond 697-5588 IMMEDIATE top cash paid for anyrmng old George 931-0196 DIRK Van Erp hammered cop-pet lamps, vases 441-8002 STAINEDGlASS WINDOWS Landscape or Floret 521-4189 115 HOME FURNISHINGS BORM set 6pc or bunkbd, $179: Liv rm 7pc or sofaoed. $299 U-SAVE DISCOUNT 861-9750 2137 Mission St.

(17tn18th) MISCELLANEOUS IHUTTIRS Louver, hinged $20-set of 4 29x9" 346-0971 (HIS, 196s Rossignol ROC 550 aimost new tl 30 665-9018 stair elevator lift complete $200 276-0365 STAMPS from France. 900 stamps $300 Call Ron 731-1338 STERLING, Grand Baroque 40 pes Unused $2200 521-3949 STERLING Beaut, piace set tor 12. $1750 332-1605 eves 1 MPEREO GLASS. 5.8 Oy in. $t5 eacn 18) 641-7127 US OIVE EQUIP Unused lank, reg.

etc $200 864-4483 WATCHBANO mens 18k gold. $W0 408-736-4570; 257-6637 WED. Engag Ring Set 4 Diam Interlocks $65080; 523-9759 WINDOWS sliders, bmz, alumn. fiKe new, bst ofr 584-1526 Wanted 100-1 INSTANT CASH SS LOAN BUY-SELL-TRADE sio TO 110,000 We will buy or loan on anything made of gold or silver Jewelry, coins, broocnes, earrings, necklaces, denial gold, metals, watches, silverware, cameras, instruments. FREE Phone estimates (415) 647-5001 2318 Mission St SF WE Ouy 4 sell GOLD SILVER Scrap metal, teweiry.

coins, bullion bars, trays, flatware, dental, rings, chains, diamonds, colored stones, watches estates 415-221-4580 Tues -Sat 12 30-5 30 Boitanos CASH REWARD or gold, silver, diamonds, corns Don't sell before you nave our otter Valuexcnange, 760 Market RM 751 391-7593 BONE CHINA tkasa Pembroke 24K Gold mo-tit (encrusted). Complete service tor 12 4 serving pieces. Cost new in excess of 52,500 Used only once B0 897-9366 GOLD SILVER COINS Too Prices Paid to Public Dealers Check our Pnces 3297 22nd St. nr. Valencia Call the SILVER CAT 821-0359 Gold, Silver Diamonds TOP PRICES PAID.

Personal 4 Dependable Service For appmt call 415-348-2027 Daniel Liebow'tz, San Mateo BUY GOLD DIAMONDS Any cond. We pay highest cash prices in town. Stevens Mtg 760 Market, Rm 462 398-8783 DIAMOND PALACE CASH FOR YOUR DIAMONDS Buyers of Precious Jewelry 197 Market St 392-7023 OiAMONOS -GOLD JEWELRY SOLD COINS Cash. Gooa Prices FRANK'S JEWELERS 1079 Market SF 431-2778 TOP CASH PAID Jewelry Antiques-JM LANG 3M SUTTER ST 982-2213 ATTENTION: Discreet sellers, we buy tine gems estate pieces Gems 397-0781 9.AMONDS 4 GOLD JEWELRY Casnpa'd Layne's Jewelers 1005 Market SF 621-1572 CASH FOR TOOLS, ANY AGE OR CONDITION 626-)60 DOLL Carnage wicker EOOd cond 455-4594 JEWELERV Production equip tools, caster, torch 735-1453 OLD TOY TRAINS -lOnel, Flyer AnmouS 339-0573 Spanish root tiles, quantity 415-325-5437 Any SAFES WANTED. Highest 'ces paid 826-2700 TOP Hi lor German, Japanese, War Relics.

921-0667 110 ANTIQUES-ART TENTH ANNUAL CALIFORNIA INTERNATIONAL ANTIQUE Show-Sale 51 REPUTABLE SHOPS OCT. 16-17-18 TURLOCK FAIRGROUNDS IN TOWN OLD HIWAY 99 DAILY 12-9PM; SUN TO 6PM ITEMS PRICED TO SELL 2 STATES, 39 CITIES NOW GO CUT THIS AD BRING IT SAVE 500 OFF EA. ADM. NICK MARY, HOSTS ANTIQUE AUCTION October 12 flonday Evening 2-5pm. 7-Upm "On Stage" at the Elegant Art Deco FOX THEATER 2215 Broadway, Redwood City 363-0131 Presenting On Stage From the Heart of the Mississippi Col.

Cecil Welch Auctioneer Over 500 European and American antiques 4 collectibles will fill the stage Everything must go to the highest bidder. Previews Oct. 10, lpm-5pm Oct. 11, lpm-5pm Mon Oct 12, lOam-sell Auction Tuesday Oct 13, 7 p.m. European Antiques, Collectibles Glassware, Incl.

Large Selection Of Large Colored Prints Closed Sat thru Mon. 5 Preview: 9 a.m. to Sale McCOY AUCTION IOO FAIPE SHOPPING CENTER AT JARVIS 4 HCWARK BLVO NEWARK, CA 1415(793-911 SPECIAL SALE SPECIAL PRICES SPECIAL MERCHANDISE to Mercantile Antiques because rt worth 4 DAYS ONLY OCT 15 TMPU OCT. II THUPSOAY THRU SUNDAY fhursdav 4 Fri. nrtes tin MERCANTILE ANTIQUES 1975 DIAMOND BLVD.

CONCORD676-2440 WANT AD SUPERMARKET continued on PAGE D2 lovaoie AKC. $125. 527-6941 stock. $15U. u-wr.


The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.