St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

F16 ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH CLASSIFIED FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 2000 postnet.comclassifieds 4505-Tim Wheels 4420 -Mini Vans 4430 -Vans 4535 Motorcycles 4535 Motorcycles 6030 -Boats 5005 -Dogs 4425 -Sport Vans Conversions 6000 -Air Conditioning Heating Equipment 99 Donzi 33zx, tS02s. oc, lull oalley, head, shower, ultimate stereo, low hrs (816)407-1286. leave msg. 99 Ranger R83, 150 Optimax wworr alt options, 1 owner, mint, $19,900, 314442-5324.

99 3V Carver 356, twin gas, genac, loaded, 45 Call Dennis (573)216-3140 99 4600 SCB, Max urn, sleeps 6, twin 450 Cum-mings, designer int fuil electronics, better than new. $330K, 314-432-3310 99G-lllSkeeter BW Bass, 150 Yamaha fully looaed, full warr used twice, $15,900. 636)343-7039 '99 Four Wlnns 240 Open bow extros. 5.7. dual prop, $30,000 (636)928-1484 98 Wellcraft 16', SO hp, live-well, center console, trailer, like new.

$9500 best offer, 314-781-4417 98 Legend, 24' deck boat, dual prop, MC, low hrs, $28,500. 573-480-1984 TO Nltro 896 DC, 200 Merc EFI, Summit pkg many extras, 1 7,90 0, 636-239-6440 98 Searav 24' Sundeck, 72 hours, perf. kept on lift. $277950. 573-374-0191 or (816)918-1794 '98 Boyliner.

19' Cqprl trlr. Orig ownrs. Bought 599. Low hrs. 636-928-5692 98 BAJA Outlaw, 25', 50 hrs, lots of extras.

Trailer. $52,000. 636-607-2370 '98 Bayliner, 19 cuddy, IO 135 Merc, exc, 35 hrs $12,100. 636-532-2838 '98 Mariah Z280MCC, 454 Bravo 3, inverter, oc, windlass, VHF, GPS, 2 CD stereos, micro TV VCR, stove, fridge, full canvas, cover, sun fiod, Heritaoe trip axel railer 8. more.

$53,900 618-288-4919 '98 Mach 1, 27', 454 385 h.p. Anodized Bezels, custom sound svslem paint exc cond, $33,000, 837-6299 '98 24' Fisher Pontoon fully looded wonly 35 hrs. on it. Camper enclosure kit, mlnl-bar, BBQ pit, toilet changing rm 60 hp. Mercury Big Foot Outboard top of the line (314)846-1274 '98 19- Regal, 135 hp, IB, OB, covertrlr.

brakes, many -extras, low hrs $14,000. (636)337-1854 97 Champion 186 SC Elite, mere. 150EFI mint, loaded $17,995 636-939-3235 '97 Alumitech oirboot, '14' 350 eng 150 hrs stainless rigging, power shift prop, many extras. Tandem axel trlr. offer.

217-529-3553. '97 EBBTIDE 182XL Boat, IO, 135hp, $9500, (573) 242-3389 '97 Bryant 182 Limited, 4 3L V6, SS prop, stereo, go-raged, low hrs many extras, water ready, VLOO0. (314)846-5814 '97 Bass Hunter Motor Guide Trowling Motor, $550 firm, (314)231-6774. 97 Scarab VT, 4.3 225 hp, fobs, 1 vr. motor-warr perf.

cond. 80 hrs, $12,500. (636)931-8487 97 Stratus 201 Pro Elite, 200 hp Evinrude, many extras. $18,500. 636-583-9481.

96 191 VOYAGER Pontoon, wtrailer, 40- hp Yamaha live well, dinette, rear sofa canopy. All acces Incl. Good cond. $7500 '96 21.5' Ranger, 492 VS, 225 EFI mere, loaded, new cover, $20,980. 636-296-6125, please Iv msg '96 Starcraft pontoon, 75 hp, live well, troll motor set up, great cond.

$8,000 best offer. (314)921-1569 '96 CONQUEST 21' Bow-rider, blue white, SS 5.7 V8, Alpha One, verv clean, very low hrs osk-Ing $17,500 or best offer, (618)327-7286. '96 American Offshore Catamaran, new 502 engine. (636)537-0134 '96 Bass boat, 2V Skeeter, 225 h.p. Mariner, 20 hrs.

of use, $19,500. 314-644-3769. '96 Bavliner capri classic 1950, whiteblue, 135 hp 1 '96 Ranger 482BS, 150 EFI Merc, loaded, used only 3 times in last 2 vrs. $17,500. Call (618) 498-4040 '95 17' Ranger.

40 hp Merc, trolling motor, 2 depth finders, loaded, very little use, must see to appreciate. $8600 (314)521-9721 '95 Champion 171 DC, blue silver, 115 Merc many extras, low hrs runslooks greatl $12,750. 636-394-6656 '95 KAYOT 20' Pontoon boat, 10-14 cap '99-75hp Mercury motor, new dual axle trailer, very good cond $9800 or best offer, (618)282-3544. '95 Four Wlnns. 22 351 EFI, loaded.

Mint. 1 Owner. $17,800 Offr. 573-547-1704 95 NITRO 180TF, 150hp, Lots Extras Upgrades, '95 PowerQuest 270 Laser, 454 MAG Heritage trlr. exc.

cond. $43,000 (618)277-6688 95 22- Hurricane Deck Boat Planing hull fiberglass deck boot, set-up fishing seats, trolling motor still has seating for 10. Like new cond. Evinrude 150, oil Inlected, Under warr. Must sell.

Call Jack at (636)537-2767 '95 Champion 171DC, 115HP Merc, new trolling motor, custom cover, low hrs. Immoc! offer 636-946-7796 314-941-3846 94 MARINE SUPPLY Discount Marine Store. Mercury Outboard Oil 314-947-0106 '94 Celebrity, 23', cuddv, at Lake of Ozarks, 454300 hp, exc. cond. $18,300.

St. Louis 314-839-4764, Lake 573-348-4650. I '94 Ranger 482, 175 hp, trailer, loaded, clean, $15,000. 314-845-3430 CHECKMATE '94, 22- BR, 147 hrs big block, $16,000 tirm, 6J6-3V-8UUV. '93-330 Searav Sundance.

T7.4L inboards, 430 hrs. has every foctorv option, w2 stereos and CD changer, all foctory covers plus a full boat Cover. Exc. S79.90Q. (573)348-9407 or (314)487-1585 '93 Mach 29', open bow cuddy, 7.4L wBravo 1, 102 nours, iitt, srorage tii April.

(6J6) 343-2520; (314)422-8402 '93 Tracker Deep Magna 17, 115 hp Johnson, new ss prop trllng mtr fish lo-cater, matching trlrtexc cond. $8500offer 725-7807' '93 Chris Craft 39 Continental EC, 300 hrs. $9500. 816-229-6500 '93 Sea Ray 400 Express, exc cond. Must sett.

660-263-692 93 SEARAY 170BR Clean, runs perfect! Only 10 hrs. on maior overhaul. $5995. (636) 272-8703 '93 Open bow SKI BOAT, V6, 175-hp, Merc inboard outboard, 19 ft, all accessories Included. $9000 Best offer 618-345-2795 '93 Carver 370 Aft, ex4.

too many opf. tp list, $139,500, 46' slip aval). 573-964-0347, 573-338-7754, or 573-446-7005, ext. 261 I '92 ProCraft 180 Combo rr FS, 18', Mariner 17! $6,550. (3M)4y4-5yaB '92 3V IMP.

Twin 454 Bravo drives, elec. bolsters, silent choice, radar arch, Freedom whls, trl-axle trailer. $42,000. (217)793-9210 '92 BASS CAT SABRE 150 Evinrude, exc. cond.

Must see! Call 618-234-2703 I '92 GRUMMAN BASS, built 70 HP Merc, full' loaded. Must sell dur tl serious back inurv, '92 SmokerCraft, 162 Basi, '98 Nlsson 40HP, depth finder, $3900, 636391-2830 1 '92 HAWAII, 34', 454 Magi. Staaaared. 170 hrs. 816-229-9504 '91 Alweld 17', 100 hp meri.

let, 37 lb. trolling, mtr. garaged, clean, very low hrs. $6900. (314)921-5063.

I 91 27' Advantoge Victory.380 502. Bravo I outdrive, like new, exc. cond. $38,500. 314-822-4877 '91 IMP 235 BR, 454, low hrs extro clean, head, SS prop, depth finder, ship shore, custom trlr.

$12,900, 503-4007. Travel Trailers Campers 35 CARRIAGE 5th Wheel, verv little use, no Tip Out, (573)754-4595 35' HOLIDAY RAMBLER Imperial, loaded, if MX), GMC '89 Suburban 454, loaded, (217)356-5708. Belleaw Creek RV Sales Consignment We come to vou. Don't store it, sell It. (636)379-1055 12 NEW Units $3995 up Fresh, beautiful Uprights wAir! Fold downs.

SISOmo. MLT 636-296-6818 67 Classic Apchee, pop up camper, great shape, xip on canopy. $500neg, 636-458-4806 76 TRAVEL trailer, 13' Scotty, $1450, call (636)227-0731. tl Rockwood Pop-up Good canvas, stored inside. Newer tires, gas stove, Ice box.

$1,500. 544-6737 86 Wilderness Camper, 18' fully equipped, clean. Call (314)781-6267 87 HILo, 22', Good cond, clean, hydro top, extras, ac, $5700. (618)931-4567 94 ROCKWOOD Tent camper, good cond, $1100 firm, (314)872-3907 94 Prowler, 27.5', 5th wh. 14' Supershde, New '00 Chew if needed to haul 618-251-4117 '94 Viking Pop- Up Camper, sleeps 8, stove, refrig, awnings, like new cond, $3200.

636-397-4299 95 Jayco 304 Bunk house, dual gas tonks batts, water soft, extra cleon, $9300, (636) 240-2290 '97 29H HORNET, 1 owner, sleeps 9, must sell, good cond. $10,300 neg, 314-353-4800. '97 Hornet, 27', ca, heat, stereo svs, color TV, separate BR wqueen bed, moving, must sell immed. Only $8995. 314-520-7240 97 Seahawk: Exc.

cond, 321 front kit, extras), price (636)528-6547 '97 Coleman Yukon, ac, 3 way refrig, screen porch, inside 8, outside stoves, microwave, $5800. (636)464-0850 97 8x37 Bel-Air, self-cont, 10 elec. slide, roofair heat, washrdryer, looded, exc cond. $14,000 best ofr. 618-537-6725, 618-581-3390 97 A-Llne.

DU, sleeps 4, 15', 13" SB tires, oc, Insulated. $5500. (636)561-6398 98 NOMAD OX Sth Wheel, 33', used once, offer, 636-671-0080. 99 25' HORNET travel trailer, exc. cond, queen size bed, sofa, all options, sleeps 6, $12,900, Best Offer, 636-391-2169.

'99 NEW Truck Comper Big 9W APACHE for 1 ton truck. Luxurious as a motor home. With shower 8. oir. $14,750 less trade.

Maple Leaf Old Hwy 21 636-296-6818 '99 Viking pop-up comper, slide-out, oc, $7800. (314)353-6784 '93 29 ft. Ploy-mor tim-bercreek trailer, exc cond, $8000 573-431-8909 aft 6 pm 4465 limousines '81 Fleetwood Limo, needs vlnvl top, $800. (618)677-2219 4475 -Auto Parts Accessories '68-'82 Corvette OEM Windshield, Code V-U, $200. 636-946-4330 77 Ford 400 motor.

Modified. Runs great, no smoke $500 314-781-7442 86 F150 Pickup, for parts; Also 78 Suburban, 4WD, for parts, 314-739-8511. '89 Camrv 2.5 motor only, $500 314-868-9484 Chevy tuned port injected 350, comp. wall occess. extras.

$750. (636)527-9799. Jeep hardtop and hard doors, misc. parts. (314)413-8939 Fiberglass Bed Cover for Ford Ranger shortbed, electric red, $150, 636-225-6031.

400 Ford Motor and training. From '79 Ford Bronco. Campershell for '79 Ford Bronco. All for $1500offer. 314-752-7063 4480 -Auto Salvage PartsCars '86 Chevy 4x4, appraised $12,700 In '98, recent rollover, 6 mo old receipts on 400 trans, transfer case, rear end, ps, gear box, fuel tanks, tires, wheels, soft ride susp lift, motor, lots more, $3500 takes all, (636)282-0640 '98 CUMMINS diesel, auto wtransfer, 30xxx mi, $3000best offer; Dana 60 front, 70 rear axles, frock lock, $1500, (314 520-0592 '83 Chew Suburban, 4 WD, will sell for parts or body.

636-978-7273 or 314-848-8607 (Pager) '86 Cadillac Deville: fwd. For parts only. Good body. Runs. No title.

$675. (636)464-2080 '87 Coddy, perfect OL eno. trans, 51k, can hear run, other parts available 314-721-8340 Parting out: '88 Astro Cargo, '88 Mazda Pickup, no motors or trans. '90 Cavalier Wgn, 280-2141 '66 Chew 2 ton dump truck, no enginetrans, coll (636)296-8539. '82 Ford Bronco, full size, needs work, $650.00 (636)274-4066 '82 GMC Pick Up forparts, Chew parts, and 77 Olds parts.

771-9382 '87 Corvette conv, missing motor, trans, best offer, call (314)495-5008. 88 Suburban, front wrecked, good intr, good title, $1250ofter. (618)538-5489 '89 Olds Cutlass Calais, Quod 4, front end damage, best offer. (636)296-1350 '89 TOYOTA COROLLA. (636)677-7247 Parting out, '86 Firebird, front damage, repairable, oil or ports.

(314)918-2704 Parts: '94 Escort, '91 Calais, '89 Towncar, '90 Toyota, '94 T-Bird. (636)916-4228 Tune port Iniection for Chew 350, $550 or best offer. (636)931-4983 4485 Auto Services and Repair Bagmaster Lincoln Air Susp. Repair 800-589-3409. 4490 -Auto Tools EquipmentSupplies Mitchell OD.

Auto computer, best offer. Call (314)819-7310 Coats 40-40 tire changer $250 (636)240-7733 4500 High Performance CarsParts 73 TRANS AM, race ready, less motor, 62 casting cvl. heads, ported 8 polished, $600; Torquer II Intake, $175; MSD billet distributor w8.8 mm oc-cell wires, $200; Call (314)837-1231831-3026 '84 Monte Carlo SS. Street strip, 434 sm block, 2-spd trans wbrake, 9' Ford. Too much to list! $10,900 Best offer.

Serious inquiries only, 314-487-4355 '68 Camaro drag car, roller 454, runs 10.60, fresh car, too much to list. $12,900. (618)498-9094 '67 Comoro SS, big block foctory 4 spd, new eng, exc. cond, (636)296-1506 '77 Camaro, 4 spd, 411 posl, race car, $4500. (636)639-1362 Michelin XGTZ 24545ZR16 31535ZR17, highoerf, unused, $7Sea.

636-227-3959 4505-Tires Wheels USED TIRES Mounted balonced guar $10 up. Floyd's Tire 8646 St. Charles Rock Rd. at 170. 427-2840.

Mention ad for $5 of tire purchase. TireWheel Sale Newused. SellBuvTrode 5820 Hampton 353-9875 4455 V5 Caravan, 7 past, auto. oc, 4M.vncn '95 Dodge Caravan, excel, maintained, 107K, runs perfect, $5400. 636-939-6559 '95 Oodge Caravan ES Exc.

cond 3V, xxx mi. H0, 500. (636)861-0943 95 GMC Safari 4 captains chairs, loaded, runs looks great, $7495, 636-274-4722. "95 Grand Caravan, 88 6 cvl, all power, $6,000 314-62-4410 or 961-3857 "95 MaidoMPV LX Loaded! Must sell. 14,950 JG 638-1211 95 Mercury Villooer LS.

7 looded, dual atr, very clean, V0K hwy. mi. make offer (636)230-6511 95 Nissan Quest GXE, oil poss. opts including pwr mnrf. Absolutely perfect cond 8 priced right! SEEGER TOYOTA Pre-Owned Cntr 434-5000 '95 Nissan Quest GXE.

Ful! pwr, captain seats, pwr roof, rear air, low 10,900 best offer. 314-469-0572 95 Ply. Grand Voyager, V6, Rally Factory warr. to 100K, rear atr, good cond. 4 new tires, 314-4B7-5637 '95 Plymouth Grand Voyager LE, new trans, 3.3L, Quad seats, rear ac, new shocks, VtSOOotfer.

Fred, 636-458-7799 95 Transport SE, $8288 8 Savana cargo, low mi 96 Ply Voyaoer, $9888. "00 Venture cass, looded 98 Pont Montana like new HAZELWOOO 895-1400 '95 Villager, charcoal gray, am-fm looded. Has had lots of TLC. J7800. 636532-3202 '95 Windstar: 79K mi, AC, all recently Installed focf.

eng. 8 trans, due to recall, $7800. 314-323-5607 "94 Caravan Conversion. TV, VCR, lots of 64,000 mi. Easy to drive, great for trove I S6700 275-8467 leave message.

'94 Caravan, just in, call Jim Butler 966-3311 '94 CAVARAN SE, V6, auto. 1 owner, only 40K new tires, S7950. (314)422-3250 94 CHEVY LUMINA VAN 7 passengers, oc, keyless, pwrtmt S5000; 636-227-7741 '94 DODGE CARAVAN, V6, CD, great shape, $3000. CALL (636 349-0918. 94 Dodge Caravan, ac, cruise, 133K, S3250offer.

(314)837-3791 '94 Ford Aerostar XL, we lima alt pwr, 107k mi, S4800. 636532-0082. '94 GMC Safari EXT, long wheel base, 8 clean, 87k, $7500, (636)946-0434. '94 Grand Voyager SE, 1 owner, quad, lugg. rack, 100K, $4400, 636-256-8432.

'94 Grand Caravan SE, V6 ACABS, quod seats, must seel 69K. $7500. B22-5343 '94 Grand Caravan Spec. V6, loaded, remote entry, new tires, brakes, exhaust, insp. 700 107k oc $4500.

314-517-7024. 94 Mercury Villoger, ac, cruise, pw, pi, p.seats, very pood cond. Runs great, T15K S6500best offer, owner motivated to sell, (636) 926-8616. '94 Nautica Villager. Navy white.

New tires, loaded, capt. chairs, rear air, good cond. $7250 636)938-7317 '94 NISSAN Quest XE, 7 6 records, garaged, 97K, S6850. 636-0245 '94 Ply. Grand Voyager SE, gold lots of good (636)458-4164 l94 Plymouth Voyager, only miles Royal Oaks 636-928-8000 '93 Aerostar.

Dark blue Gray, pwpl, cruise, tilt. Sharp! $2450 636-394-7867 '93 Aerostar XL, well maintained, 1 owner, air, tilt, cruise, Michelin tires, 120, xxx $2900. (636)379-2789 '93 Aerostar Van, clean, well high mileage; $4500. Call (636 433-5719 '93 Aerostar XL: Fully loaded, exc. only 78k $4700.

636)625-3197 '93 ASTRO, 8 pass, 1 owner, service records, 73K ml, $7500, 636-227-5567. '93 CARAVAN SE, 82K, 1 owner, good clean, $5500, (636)519-1095. '93 Chevy Astro, 1 owner, 8 pass, exc. cond, $4500 offer. (636)391-7223 '93 CHEVY ASTRO EXP, omfm coss, oc, alum whls, dutch drs, 8 pass, pi, pw, mi, sharp! $6200best offer.

Coll John, (314)846-2975 '93 Dodge Grand Caravan SE, low mi. Call. Royal Oaks 636-928-8000 '93 GMC Safari XT Convers Van. Auto, air, loaded. Orig owner.

94 Mi. $6995 314-837-8614 www. seem '93 Mercury Villager GS, Looded, must sell. $5000 or best offer 314-771-5872 '93 Previa LE Van. Must sell, bought a Jag! Good cond, rear air, 4 captains Chairs.

$6900. 314-361-2523 '93 VW Euro Van. $6950. The Dean Team 966-0303 '93 VW Vanagon. Suntrup NissVW 892-8200 '92 Dodge Grand Caravan, low mi, great cond, orig.

own- er, V6, offer, (636)230-5213 '92 Dodge Grand Caravan mi, but new trans, at 80xxx, V6, air, alarm, luggage rack, tilt, cruise, $3000. 314-361-2157. Avail. Sat. 812 only.

'92 GMC Safari XT, looded, whitegray Ithr, great cond. $4999. 636-926-0353 '92 MAZDA MPV, new brakes, 96,500 mi, very clean, $5500. (314)646-1154 '91 Chevy Astro, 7-8 pass, air, cruise, tinted wind, hitch, 6-cyl, clean, runs great, $3800, (314)644-0185. '91 Plymouth Voyager LE, 96K ml, good cond, great value, '91 Plymouth Grand Voy-oger SE, 90K mi, pw, AC V6, $4,600.

(636)537-9020. '91 Town 8. Country mini van, loaded, Ithr. quad chai rs, new trans, 146K mi, $2900. (314)843-7184 '90 APV Lumina 2nd engine, $1800 or best offer.

Must sell. (618)394-0624 '90 Astro 5 pass, dark blue, clean, hwy miles, $2750. 314-560-5788 '90 Chevy Lumina APV, white, all owr, tilt. air. very good cond, good Tires, VWU.

IJ.4) B4j-tt4V 90 FORD Aerostar, 155xxx ml, mechanically sound. some rusi, iooks snarp, $1000bst ofr. 314-739-0408. '90 Mazda MPV, good cond, 1 owner, auto, 4 cyl. $1570.

636-391-6020 '90 Mazda MPV Woo, V6. all power, 1 owner, black. exc. cona. yay-uyoo '89 Caravan LE.

6 cvl, 134k, runs great! $1600. (636)ZV6-2yi2 '89 Grand Caravan, sun- root, Ithr, umk, good COnd. W5. U'4J 466-4141 '88 Ford Aerostar XLT, 2 tone blue, exc. cond.

inside out, mi, fully loaded, new trans. 2 UU. I -XI. 11-OOZ-OJ I '87 Ford Aerostar, V6, auto, runs good. $825.

'89 Cara van 6J6-yjB-J iuu '87 Ford Aerostar, runs no rust, great fam ily Mini Van Special Vovaaers. Caravans. Aer- ostars, CONVERSIONS from JW5 zu stock Regency Motors 427-4400 4425 -Sport Vans Conversions 99 E350 Club Wan. 15 oass Dean Team 636-227-0100 99 GMC Savana Explorer 21K ml, TVVCP, looded. W75K ext.

warr. $23,500 314-567-1040 3 I4-9V3-IUU '99 Safari A WD hi-top, 7200 ml, TVVCP, every optkin. List S49K Ask $25Kbst ofr. 636-677- 4950 or van sen ( '98 Dodae Ram 1500 Mark III SE, 24K mi, dual ac TVVCP. Ask Mr Lance.

Chrysler West 636-227-5810 14M woncnesTer wa. "98 GMC Savana Conv RR, 4 NEW 235-75-15 60k mi. tires on custom 15x7 alum. Ultra Wheels. $500 offer.

(636)528-7473 Comoro IROC 15 wheels. fits vz, wiugs iocks, $150 (636)978-5798 15 Eogle chrome whls. fits Rangers some Dodoes, ex. cond. $300 314-434-8314 4 XJS Jaguar whls, lattice type, S4UU or best offer.

(314)862-0661 4 Tires: 265x75x16 mounted on GM 6 lug alum, rims, good tread. $300. 518-1154 4510 Truck Trailers Camper Parts Red Campershell, 8' bed, fits Chevy, sliding window wboot, wiring for liohts, dbl. locks, exc.cond. (314)830-3690 Fiberglass Century top for SB truck.

Green. Exc. cond! $375. (314)830-1483 84 Dodge, new eng. trans, warranty, 16,000 mi, $1000 for whole truck, wrecked, 314-644-0767 Campershell for standard 0 bed otf 92 Ford F150, white, $500, (636)397-2561 Camper shell, fits new Dodge, 0 ft.

Driftwood, $500; Truck bed sleeper kit (314)894-0796. 4515 -Vehicles ParkingStorage Inside car storage $40mo. secure. Fiesta 385-4567 4520-ATVDune Buggies, Trailers 01 ATV'S COMING YEAR END SALE SOcc Dirt Bike $849 80cc Dirt Bike $995 SOcc ATV $1,695 90cc ATV $1,895 Fantasy (314)487-0054 00 Honda 300 EX.Iooded, low nrs, exc snape, 3 yr. ext.

warr, $450, 781-6758 00 Kodiak, Hunter Ed, 4x4, On Command, $5400. (314)890-9977 348-7131 00 POLARIS Sportsman 500. 4x4, low hrs, odult ridden. $5500 (636)366-4105 '00 Suzuki Quodrunner LT-F160, 2WD, like new, ridden less than 8 hrs, must sell $2650. (636)797-5245 '00 Yamaha Grizzly: 600cc green, like new, $5,500.

(618)443-4099 2- '99 Yamaha Bear trackers, exc. cond. with newer 8'xW trlr. Best Offer! (636)379-0583 99 Polaris 250 Trail Boss, tike new, used 4 times, '99 Polaris 4x4 500 Scrambler, new helmet goggles, $4400, 618-282-6075 '98 Yamaha Blaster. New top end.

$2000 Best offer 314-846-6482 '96 BANSHEE, new top end, great shape, $3300. Coll (314) 353-6747 '96 Polaris 300 4x4 Explorer, snow plow, must sell. $3499. (636)230-9408 92 Buggy. 1800 cc, dual port, all chrome motor, street legal, everything new, $4600 636-677-5340 90 Honda Pilot, $5000.

'85 Odvssev, $3500. Both in excel, cond. Call between 8am-8pm; pager 314-554-1959 87 Kawasaki Tecate 4, fresh rebuilt, big bore kit, new tires, manv extras, great cond, $3200ofter. (636)861-1849 '86 250R, new motortires. Lots of after market extras.

$2200. 636-677-5769 MiniLuggage horse trailer, specially made for motorcycle or street rod. $2500. (636)327-5457 SPECIAL SAVINGS on '99 2000 models at St. Louis Power Sports (636 225-5600 SUZUKI Quad Racer, new motor, race ready, many extro.

636-937-6357 WANTED: ATV 3-Wheelers Running or not (636) 282-8355 4525-Mopeds ScootersGo-Karts 98 125CC Yamaha Scooter, incl. windshield, helmet, 735 ml, (618)466-4209 98 HONDA ELITE, 1500 miles, great for college, 5 H.P. Manco Dune Buggy Go-Kart, 1 seater, full roll cage, retail $1000, $850 best offer. (314)842-4508 '95 Manco Machines Go Kart, never been started, new, $725. (314)524-5071.

'97 SUNDERO, 50cc, elec. start, 1250 ml, runs great. $675. Call (314)644-5824 Wanted: Minibike, Moped, Scooter, or Go Kart, or other Interesting motor toys. (636)305-0553 4535 Motorcycles 01 2001'S ARE HEREI Own a glowing-with-chrome 2001 model Har-lev from Dale's.

Coll Jim or Mark for easy, over the phone financing on all new pre-owned models! Over 50 In stock! Experience the Dale's Difference It's worth the drive. Mt. Vernon, IL 618-244-4116 2001 Harleys Arriving come In and check our Inventory. Wldman Motorcycle Sales 771-7100 00 Yamaha YZ 125, like new, only 1 tank of gas used, $4000, (314)892-1331 or (314)894-8360, wknds. 00 CR250, like new, hardly ridden, Protaper handlebars, asking $4500.

(618)288-7207 '00 Kawaskl Vulcan Classic 800, under 400 ml. opts worth $7,700, will sell $6,700. (636)978-2552 '00 ZX9R, black mico color, low mi, best offer. Serious inquiries only. (314)731-4811 or 524-3141 00 HD Night Train, low ml, big bore, fat tire, lowering kit, sweeper pipes, runs great.

$20,500. 636-225-5235 '00 Honda, ST1100, fast. Backrest, SSmpg, shaft, 5k, $10,900. 636-456-2109 00 Harley 883 cust, yellow, $8200; '99 Harlev 1200 cust, $9000; 573-288-5828 00 Harley Deuce, lux. rich redblack, less than 500 mi, S20.SO0.

(217)923-5295 00 HONDA CBR6O0 F4, yellow black, 1000 ml, new, '00 Kawasaki Super Sherpo, 250 CC, elec. start, 4 mi, like new, $2700 offer. (636)386-3301 00 Harlev Davidson, FXD, 1700 miles new, $16,200. (314)440-1183. '00 HARLEY Wideglide, redblack, loaded, 0 ml, $19,500 firm, 636-282-8302.

2000 Buells Rebates up to $2000.00 plus we will match your cash or trade In up to $1000.00. Very limited supply. Wldman Motorcycle Sales 771-7100 '00 Harlev D. Sportster's', yellow, 40M. $12,750, SUNTRUP PRE-OWNED Florissant 355-6165 '99 FAT BOY 2-Tone, Loaded, Perfect S18.9K, 636-343-0002 '99 HONDA XR70, road verv little, like new, $1,000.

(636)274-3231 '99 H.D. Sportster. 1200 Custom. 1800 mi, bronze, $9300 firm (314)440-2209 '99 YZ 400, Pro Taper, Tag Noleen extras. 15 hrs.

ride time, clean $3,650. 636-931-3552 314-540-6738. '99 Yamaha XT350 Enduro, orig. owner, exc. cond, 900 street miles, $3200, Call (636)337-3707.

'99 Yamaha blue, odult ridden, very fast, mint! $8900. (314)277-0423 '99 KX250, $800 pro circuit susp, manv other extras, $3900ofter. 618-939-7721 '99 Honda 1100 Arrow, Peach 8 cream, extras, beoutiful bike, 3000 mi, asking $7900offer. 618-345-7633; 618-781-6697 '99 H.D, soft toil, custom, block, wshield, like new, $16,000 636)928-9962. 91 Chevy Conversion Von, like new.

Save I DRMO 307-9959 91 Oodge cargo von, 68k, 1 ton, exc. cond. un great. $3250 618-567-5145 91 DODGE LE. 8 poss, mi- $2500, exc.

cond, 636-227-1670 '89 DODGE B350, Extended, good cond, runs well, used as work von, 89 Ford 250 Cargo Van: 1 ton, good cond, 1S4K mi, $1950. (636)240-5786 '87 Astro Cargo Van, runs food, work reody, $1500. 314)t32-2188 670-9809 '85 One ton Ford extended von, looks as good as it runs, (314)752-1328 84 Ford Econoline Van, new tires, trlr. hitch, air approved, good cond. (618)465-3167 '79 Chevrolet Van, 34 Ton, for parts, $450, 314)772-4592 76 Ford Cargo, great work van, runs good, low mi, good tires, ladder rack, $750offer, 314-322-8645 '97 Freight Liner Mechanics Truck, fully looded air compressor, welder, hoist.

Best Offer. 314-838-2569, 854-2471 8. 280-2054 '96 Wells Cargo, 8 x16x7', heatac, rear ramp loaded woptions, $6500. (314)726-2768 '93 Mits FE 1-Ton, 14' box. Turbo diesel, 15 mpa, 86 ml.

$6850 314-872-8361 4x8 steel utility trailer, new tires, exc. cond. Must sell. $325. (636)256-2428 5x7 Utility Trailer, with title $150.

(636)300-0046 6x11, equipment trlr, breakdown, $500. (314)752-9191 CROFT TRAILER OVER 80 IN STOCK NewUsed (636) 225-3621 Enclosed trailer, HD, $2100 brakes good Its. 8 tires, 2 in ball Coll BOB, 314-921-9645 40' Gooseneck enclosed trailer, 20' of living quarters. Ramp dr. Can haul anything.

Loaded, sharp Inside out. New 16' trl $645 up -tilts, car haulers dollies. (6361-337-7427 440umpTrocksJ 93 GMC 7000 diesel, 19- flatbed dump, ac, exc. truck, $16,000 636-978-5102 88 Ford Louisville, 15' bedcab fire, $6000. 636-488-3164.

636-488-5912 3 Kodlac Tandam 3208 Cat Allison, automatic. 436-9 38-5777 '78 Ford F-350 Dump Truck, new motor trans, $3750. 314-351-0562 75 Ford LN 9000. 14' bed. Runs well $4000 (314)781-7442 75 1 ton dump, good cond, $3000.

618585-6127, Pager 618341-3816 44JtVAlotoHoiJ Camp. Vans A Mtr Homes 3100 Telegraph 894-3905 SAVE On all instock 2000 model Winnebagos 81 Itascas Of B.THOMAS IMMEBACa 275 Lemay Ferry 631-5600 Wilderness 5th wheel, '99, 30', 2 slides, warranty, $24,500, (618)498-6158 BILL THOMAS CAMPER SALES MOTOR HOME CLEARANCE 2000 Wlndsport 29' Motor-home Quality bv Alrstream Was $70,195. Now $58,900 Pre-Owned '92 28' Jamboree Motor-home '97 37' Holiday Rambler Diesel Motorhome '93 29' Rock wood Motor-home '92 34' Airstreom Trailer '89 34' Alrstream Trailer '95 24' Starcraft Trailer '94 27' Holiday Rambler Trailer '99 33' Holiday Rambler Fifth Wheel, 3 Slideouts. '97 37' Nomad Lake Lot Trailer. Spacious! '97 32' Holiday Rambler Trailer 5217 N.

Lindbergh 731-2217 1-800-367-5747 HOURS: MON: 9-i TUES. 4THURS 9-4, WED FR 1.9-7; SAT: 9-Si SUN: CLOSED 75 Winnebago. 46K mi, $2500 (618)451-9509 '84 Southwind, 33' Class 44k, lacks, 454, 6.5kw, 3 oc. VGC $14,250. 636-456-2109 84 Allegro 27', Class loaded, ex clean, gen, $1 1,500 neg.

314-517-0790 87 Cruise Air II, 28' Class awning, 44k, $K500neg. 636-296-9257 89 HolidavRambler, Crown Imperial, 37', 68 mi, Gillig bus chassis, washerdryer, $32,000. 618-407-0778 89 Pace Arrow, 34', 50x170 mi, 454 Chevy, 6.5 gen, queen bed, loaded. Exc. cond, $23,500, 573-264-2439 '90 Winnebago Class 47K LIKE $14,200 636-677-3757 '93 WINN Chief 35', 34K ml, looded, exc.

cond, $38,500, 636-561-8027. '94 Dodge Coachmen, 20 ft Class 57K, gen, ac, most 15 mpg, $19,900. 314-631-2280 '94 34' Airstreom Land-yocht Motorhome. 51xxx miles. Quality built.

Reduced to $44,750. Bill Thomas Campers 314-731-2217 95 25' Class A Winnebago, extra clean, low mi, new price. 636-464-3367 '95 Allegro Bay, 3V, 460 Ford, 18K, exc cond no smoking S38K 636-789-2349 '97 Class A 32" Coachmon Cotalina, lots of extros, 24k, $45,000. 314-842-25B6 '97 BOUNDER 34J, all options, very clean, price below morket, last chance before trade-in. $48,000.

314-434-3132 '97 Monoco Dynasty. 19K ml. Washdrier, 12 cu. ft. refrig, freezer, ice maker, awnings all wind, 325 hp Cummins Diesel 100k ml.

warr. Solar batt. minder, 7 kv gen. water cooled. $139,000 (618)466-5127 '97 37' Holiday Rombler Diesel Motorhome.

All options. Reduced to $99,900. BUI Thomas Campers 314-731-2217 '99 PACE ARROW Vision, 36', Model 36Z, V10 Ford chassis, double slideouts, fully optioned wlthr. int, gas generation, less than 4xxx mi. Super sharpl 1 1 $87,500.

Call for more details 217-997-2220. '99 Cruisemaster Class 34', Slide out, cust. paint, almost all extras. 14k mi. MINT! 636-398-5757 '99 FOURWINDS Class 3V, 10k ml.

Like Newl $46,500. (636)391-6925. 00 39Z Bounder Diesel, 4xxx ml, like new, 275 hp loaded woptions, natural Horizon color. Must seel $109,500. (636)931-3552 or 314-540-6738.

4450 RVMotor Homes for Rent RENTAL MOTOR HOMES 772-420S RV RENTALS MOTOR HOMES BverlyRV Rentals 938-2000 4455 -Travel Trailers Campers RV Sales 8, Service COLMANS COUNTRY CAMPERS, INC. Horttord, IL 618-254-1180 99 Honda Valkyrie: 1,000 miles, $10,500. (636)337-8685 99 Yomaha V-Star 650, 29XX mi, $4400, olarm (, helmet incl, 618-498-4437 '99 Buell Cyclone, Reactor Yellow. 4500 mi, tank I toil bags, 1 owner, exc. cond, must sell, $7800, Call (636)240-0741.

99KOWZX11 Just arrived, low mileage $7999 00 Wldman Motorcycle Sales 771-7100 99 KAW Concourse, 590 ml, $6990. KAW of STL 531-4010. 99 Harley Davidson Springer Softall, 400M. $19,850. SUNTRUP PRE-OWNED Florissant 355-4145 '98 BMW, R1200C, Loadedl, 4300 ml S9500trade for Harlev, 314-795-2333 98 Honda Shadow Aero, 1 vr, 3xxx ml, extras, ext.

warr. $7000. 314-469-4294 98 FATBOY, 95th Annlver-sarv, 4xxx ml, $18,000, 436-939-5421 after 5pm. 98 H-D Super Glide, 2K ml, like new, xtras, cherry red (314)581-0404 98 Titan Gecko SX. Black, 500 ml, $40,000 new, $23,500 firm.

(314)640-2209 98 HD Fatbov, block, 4xxx ml, very good cond, $19400, (636)939-5401. 98 Buell S3T, black PM whls, Corbin VH dvno let, Westtek, Banke Hartco ond more! Readv to tour. $10,250. Intruder Sportster trades considered. 573-518-0911 98 Honda Shodow Spirit 1100, perfect, gar, custom pipes, $6300.

634-532-4508 '98 Honda Shadow Deluxe, windscreen, light bar, lug- foge rack, lots of chrome, eautiful machine, exc. cond. $5,000 314)838-2915 98 Harlev XL 1200 Sport, extras, perfect! 750 mi. $8,000 436)534-2223 98 BMW CR1200, black, Serfect cond, 4xxx mi, 10,200. 314-4504511 98 Ultra Classic, 3k mi, like new, stage II kit, lots of chrome.

$18,000. 314-434-7913 98 HD Sportster 1200 Custom, lots of chrome, sod-dle bags, 6K mi, $9800. (618)224-7854 '98 Harlev Davidson Dyno-glide 11K mi, $13,000. (618)498-2551 98 Honda 750 Nighthowk, block, 5,200 mi, clean, $4500, (636)677-1295. 98 HONDA Valkrie ISOOcc Touring Bike, 12K mi, $11,000, (417)581-0831 98 Honda Valkvrle, 4500 mi, black green, 2 helmets, $1Z500.

522-8523 97 Harlev Custom 1200 Sportster, 4200 mi, lust like new! $8,500 with extras. 314-487-5032 97 Honda XR70, Just like the new ones, $1100. 97 Suzuki RM80, Like new, perfect. $2100. (314)503-0554 97 Honda CBR 600 F3, flashy colors), 5K, mint 314-209-1592 '97 Honda Valkyrie Torer, greenIvory, under 5,000 mi, superb cond, $9500.

(314) 434-6533. '97 Harley Custom Sportster, 4,000 ml, lots of extras, $8300. 314-965-0809 97 Suzuki 750 Katana, 4k mi, exc. cond, helmets too, $5000, (636)561-2261. '97 Kawasaki Vulcan, 800 cc, lots of chrome, blue paint, soddlebogs, warr.

(636) 458-0037 '97 Honda Shadow 600, exc. cond, 1900 ml, helmet, cover, gar, $4200. 469-4570 97 Wide Glide, 2 tone paint, extras, 995 ml, $16,700. eves.wknds. 636-519-7978.

'97 Heritage Springer FLSTS, leather iackets, lots of extras, great cond, $22,500, (636)978-1757 '97 Honda Shadow, like new, 4xxx mi. (636) 296-4384, 314-450-5535 '97 Dyna Super Glide, many extras, $12,500. Call (618) 659-2178 '97 Dyna Super Glide Many extras, $12,500. Call (618) 659-2178 '97 Honda CBR 1100XX, 5K mi, exc. cond, adult ridden, $6700.

(314) 220-0782 '97 Dvna Lowrider, extra chrome, mint condition, call 636-227-2338 '97 Suzuki Marauder, 1,475 actual mi, exc. cond, $3,800. (618)281-4593 '97 Honda CBR 900, red, 17K, $1,000 xtras incl. helmet. $4,495.

(314)388-3394 '97 GS XR, 4800 mi, Yosh pipe, lots of extras. '97 BMW R850R 9K ABS $6,950. CM 636-530-1413 '96 Kawasaki KX racing Dirt Bike, Verv fast, race ready, $2700. (636)337-3046 '96 Honda Goldwina, perfect cond. Low mi.

extras, '96 Davidson ultra classic, 24K, exc condl, $17,500. 573-214-2552 '96 Hondo CBR F3 600, 73xx ml, tike new, 636-448-032S636-928-2208 '96 H.D. Fatboy 33XX ml, sunglow redplatinum, $16,500, 636-723-0029. '96 Yamaha RT100, exc. cond.

$1100 573-518-0741 home (573)518-0740 '96 HD Ultra Classic Must sell! Show winner. Call (314) 844-8900 96 HD Softail Custom, blue, too much chrome to list. Must See, $15,500, 314-731-2857 '96 Yamaha YZF 6O0R, pipe and header, lets, new tire, 2 free helmets, lock. Runs perfect! $4)00. 636-227-3540 '96 YAMAHA Banshee, over $7000 invested.

$3500, 283-3877 St. Chas. '95 Honda CR250, Super Trick, never raced, stored 4 yrs. A must see! $2495. Belleville, (618)222-2921 '95 Yamaha Blaster offer (636)797-5752 '95 BMW R1100RS, 15K ml, like new, 573-480-2460, 573-457-0840 '94 SUZUKI Intruder, 800cc, 4400 ml, exc.

cond, $3800, (418)288-8777. 94 GSX 600 Suzuki Katana, very clean, gar. $2950 offer. Steve-636-274-1366 '94 YZ-BO. Brand new graphics, runs exc, well maint.

$1400 573)358-1107 '94 Itra Classic lectra-glide, 9K mi, cass, CB, cruise, lots of chrome lights, lowered wext. warr, $18,500. 631-8271 '94 Yamaha V-Max: Exc. cond, 7k orig. mi, asking $6,000.

741-7380 '94 Honda XR6O0, ex. cond, street legal, many extras. $2600. 314-868-0245 '94 Kawasaki 650KLX, duel purpose, 2200 mi, looks factory warr. $2695.

14-966-2862 or 314-968-3565 '94 Kaw KDX 250 4 stroke, clean, $2400. KAW STL 531-4010. '93 YAMAHA PW50 TRAIL BIKE, $600, CALL (636)537-1223 '93 Honda CR80, Pro Circuit pipe, runs great, $1200, (636)528-7021. 93 YAMAHA GTS 1000, ex-tremely rare bike, perfect, $6995, 314-852-2021. '93 Suzuki DR250, clean, $1990.

Kaw. STL 531-4010. '92 HARLEY FLHTC, Tour glide, 9K mi, nearly like new. $12,500, 314-368-5520. '92 FZR 600 Yosh Pipe, manv extras.

$3200. Call 314-517-4036 1991 HARLEY Superglide, lots of chrome extras, $12,500. 1-634-528-7270 '91 Honda Goldwing Aspen-cade, 15O0cc. 25k mi, block, custom pinstripes, chrome, lights, access, 2 matching helmets, must see- Offer. 436-394-5026 '91 Kawasaki ZX11 Ninia 41K, extra cleon, runs good except for $2300 best offer, (636) 978-5850.

'91 KAW. Concours ZG1000, red, verv cleon, Corbin seats, extras, 34K, $3000 offer. (436)724-1453 '91 CR2S0, new plastic, ex cond, (314)487-4814 '90 Kawasoki, Ninia, Elim-anitor, 250 exc cond. $1,200 each, best offers, 618-251-5990-418-593-4885 90 FZR 1000A. SR 21 stage 3, 13.5xx mi.

$40O0Bst 90 NINJA ZX600R, Block silver, mi, $27UO offer. 90 KX12S. not running, many extras, clean, $600 best offer. (636)225-3879 89 Harlev Sportster 883, blue 8, gold powder coat blue paint. $4500.

618-4744762 89 POLICE Kawasaki P-1000 Special, exc cond, $3200Otter. (314)638-1279 It HONDA GOLDWING, ISOOcc, 9.800 mi, same as new, $7350. 636-349-2931. 88 Harlev Davidson, soft tall custom, exc cond, many chrome acces, (618)654-7036 87 Harlev 1100 Sport, 4.1xx ml, wine, extras, ex cond. $6500 nego.

636- 240-2708 87 Kawasaki EX500. Racedstreet legal, best otfer. (314)984-9777 87 HARLEY FXLR, blockchrome, upgraded, $10,900. (314)353-0629 '86 Honda Goldwing Aspen-code Special Ed. 1200, loaded, like new, 40k mi, $5500Flrm (636)462-2241.

'85 YAMAHA V-MAX, 7K one owner miles, extras. $4400. (636)949-2828 85 SUZUKI 1200 Madura, Black, mi, exc cond, $2500. (314)894-2080 '85 Yomoha Virago 1000, 23xxx ml, good cond, must see, asking $2500. Call 636-583-3126 '84 H.D.

Electragllde Classic, 24K on rebuilt, EVO, 5 spd, $8500, 636-639-8875. '84 HARLEY Dovidson Sport- ster lOOOcc, good cond, $4500. 314-868-5152. 83 HD Low Rider, 28, xxx mi, custom point, front end 8, too many extras to list, $10,500, (314)846-6047 '83 Honda 500 Shadow, 29K exc cond, $1195. 618-931-1330 after 5:30 '82 Honda Gold Wing, low ml, wine berry, lots of chrome, exc.

cond, $2800, (436)639-8875 81 Honda CX500, mi. Good cond. $7S0best offer. 434-227-2954 '81 KAWASAKI 1000 LTD. Original, $1800.

CALL (418)454-3487 '81 Harley Davidson Stur-gis, 10k mi, $9500best. 573-747-1644, 573-740-1650 after 5pm 80 Honda 200, 8K, looks runs great, (314)423-3784 oft. 6 pm. 79 Suzuki GS1000L, $1350 best offer. Must sell.

Call (314)370-3285 78 Ducatl 900 Dormah, verv good cond, $4,000. 314-621-4214 '77 Honda Goldwing Standard (no fairings or bogs), good cond, $1500 neg. (314)275-7151 75 Honda Goldwing (red), museum quality cond, mech. perf, 7400 orig. mi, all records since purch.

$4500offer (636)677-8890 70 Harley Electroollde, fully everything newl, less than 50 mi's on $12,000. 849-4739; 5254850 '57 Cushmon Highlander Deluxe, restored, $1850 best offer. (636)327-5457 '50 thru '83 Wonted-Triumph, Norton, BSA, Ducatl. Collector will buy 1 or Many or ports. 965-8351 We Flnonce Motorcycles Call Jay: (35-1500 Harley Davidson Honda Call us before you buy Ted's In Alton 1-888-695-4740 We Rent Harleys American Hog Rentals 636-451-4444 SALE! 1 1 Starters Generators Batteries Motorcycle 773-4900 Finance a 8.

trailers. Call: 835-1 Thunder Road Cycles Custom Speed Shop Sales Service Pick-up UNIQUE POWERSPORTS KTM Suzuki Yamaha 1-800-449-MOTO 3 Rail Trailer 750-4177 SALESRETAIL See ad under class tf 8045, Motorcycle Dealer seeking FT parts person. Box 8074, Post-Dispatch, BELLEVILLE Enduro team charity poker run, Aug 13, signup loam-Noon. B.E.T. Club Grounds.

618282-6309 BMW K1200LT, pacific blue, new, .9 financing. Contact BMW Motorrad 531-4010. 4540 -Trailers 00 Pace, 8 18 enclosed, 48' side door, rear ramp door, heavy duty fir, $5000 or best offer, (636)677-2049. The ads are sorted alphabetically, then largest to smallest in eoch category. 5000 -Cats 2 loving neutered dec I awed indoor, 5' vr.

old male cat looking for a good home TOGETHER due to owners illness. Please email: sheidewexel or Call 314-4571280 FREE, beautiful white and champagne kittens, 1 good home, (314)776-22lK FREE KITTEN, 18 weeks, white wgrey spots, shots. (636)532-3346 HIMALAYAN KITTENS 7-10 wks. old, $50 Ea (573)689-2300 5005 Dogs 2 Adoptions this weekend at Petsmart, Sat. In Bridgeton, Sun.

in St. Charles, 10-4. PALS 636-330-1818 or Adopt a dogpuppy Petco-Olivette. SatSun. 12-4.

314-567-7387; 636-597-4808 ADOPT A PET ALL HOUSEBROKEN. Pomeranian, Terrier Mix, Aussie, Rottweiler, Shep-ard Mix, Kittens Cats. Rescued. Sun, 12-5, at Petco, Telegraph off 1-255 Telegraph by Wal Mart. 664-6061 Australian Shepherd pups, dual champ, bloodlines, $150.

573-369-2942 Border Collie pups, ready now. Farm raised. (573)657-9405 Border Collies, registered, shots, 6 wks, $175. (636)332-5505 Brussel Griffin Pups, AKC, shots, little dolls, (618)458-6412 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, rare, very affec-t ionate am i iy pets, vet checked. (573 547-7101 CHIHUAHUA pups, AKC 8 wks.

old, (573)386-2660 Chinese Sharpel, female, cream, 14 mo. old. $250. (636)629-5842 Dachsunds, akc, $150 636-629-3357 no calls after 6:30 pm FOX Terriers, Jack Rus-seils, Rat Terriers, Toys Minis, (636)349-5549 FREE TO GOOD HOME. Med.

Shepherd mix, male, good wkids. (314)544-4594 German Shepherd pups, AKC, 10 wks. old. Show pet quality. Parents were imported 8.

are on premises. Bred for temperamentexcel, wchildren. Guar. 573-642-9362. German Shepherd pups, AKC exc.

bloodlines, $200offer, 618-451-1377 Golden Retriever, golden retriever mix, both adult males. All shots, neutered. Free to good home. (636)926-0434 GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups, lovable balls of fur, AkC, shots, wormed, parents on site, 200-S 2 50. 573-384-6388.

GOLDEN RETRIEVERS: 2 adults, pup, rescued, shots.fosfer home 966-3326 fins Golden etr levers, OF A. 573-696-3129 Golden Ret river mixed puppies, raised wkids othr pets. 5 mm. from JB Bridge. $75 (618)281-7496 Jock Russel Terrier puppies, smooth, 2 females.

(314)753-4052 LABRADOR puppies, AKC, shots, wormed. Ready to go! 1636-940-2166. Lhasa Apso, Maltese Cairn Terriers, AKC, shots wormed. 573-783-7565 Mln. Plnschers, AKC, shots, health guar.

Visa. S25O-S450. 573-686-3977. Norwegian Elk hound, AKC CKC, mole, stud chomp, bkgrnd. Free 636-456-8937 PET ADOPTIONS Dogs, cats puppies will be available at PetSmart in Maplewood Sat.

Aug. 12-4 Stray Rescue of St. Louis 771-6121 Pomeranian puppies, AKC, shots wormed, partially housebroken. 314-385-5065 Poodle pups, Ige. black, AKC, shots, exc.

temperment. 314-429-286 POODLE pups, toys, AKC, Shots, (314)895-4087. POODLES, Beautiful toys 8 miniatures, AKC puppies, (573 358-2505. Poodle Toy pups, CKC, (636 937-1964 Rottweiler Puppies, 6 wks. old.

Excellent! Ready to go. Call 314-997-0916 Schnauzers, AKC, Poodles, $150 8. up. (573)2654757. SCHNAUZERS M.nloture, AKC, shots wormed, vet checked, S175.

573-547-7101 SCOTTIES, Westies, Cocker, excellent quality, 636-349-5549. Scottish Terrier puppies, AKC, 8 wks, shots, exc. quality. (636)586-1349 Sheltie pups, 7 wks. AK shots, 2 females, $250 (636)239-4219.

SHELTIE PUPS, AKC, sable white, 6 wks old, family raised. 618-756-3903 Shihtzu Babies 9 fluffy and prespoiled 417-462-3112 SHIH Tzus, Poms, Poodle, excel, quality, 636-349-5549 SIBERIAN Husky Puppies. AKC, 2 females, blue eyes. (636)671-0570 Vlzsla puppies, both parents on sight, AKC OF home raised, $400 ea, huntingcompanion, (573)471-686 after Wei mar oners, akc, 7 wks. chomp bloodl ines, awesome blue silver, 573-760-8988 or 1-888-238-5022 pager WEIMERANER AKC OFA, silver arovs, readv now! E-mail photos.

$350 fO S4UU. bfS-lW-l 144 (636)464-7748 5010 -Exotic Pets Amazon Blue front 8 yr. old male wcage. $600.00 (314)867-5494 Quaker Parrot, 2 yrs. old, Male, comes wlge cage access.

Talks a little, very healthy. $150 (314)663-1129 5025 -HorsesTack 3 yr. TB, 17. 2h, very gen- Tie, cat i oarD ib-ouo- iy '95 Chiapparal live stock trailer, like new. $2,000.

217-374-6037. AQHA 3 yr. old Gelding, moress ve Dred. trained In Halter Pleasure Class. $4200.

(636)931-3868 Paint Quar, Pony Mare Filly Colt, quiet for children. (618)343-1587 Paso Fino mare, bav, calm, 13vrs, very smooth, gen tle, 6J6-3yi-63y Reg. paint horses: 4 yr. old mare $3,000. 3 yr.

old filly, broke to ride, Merchandise The ads are sorted largest to smallest in each category. 6000 ACHeatlna Equip. 6010 Amateur Appliances Bicycles 6035 Boats Accessories Bicycles 6055 Building Materials 6060 Buildings Portable Carpet and Floor Coverings Clothing Computers 6080 Construction Eaulpmnt Farm Auctions Farm Implements 6090 and $upplles 6100 Formats Wedding Gowns 6110 6125 Hot Tubs. Spas 6150 Jewelry.Dlamonds Lawn Garden Machinery Industrial Equipment 6165 Medical Equipment 6170 Merchandise Wanted 6175 Mlsc Merchandise Music Lessons Musical Instruments 6190 Office Equipment Oriental Rugs Photo Equipment 6200 and Supplies Pianos Organs 6210 Printing Equipment Radio. Stereo 6220 RestBar Equipment 6045 6230 6235 6240 62" 6250 asT 6260" 6265 6270 6275 6280 lants.Trees Snow Equipment Sporting Equipment Stamps Coins Store Equipment Swap Swimming Pools Tools Hardware Toys Trains Video Equipment 6000 Air Conditioning Heating Equipment Selling Wholesale to the Public.

Furnaces AC equip. Trone, York, Com-fortmoker models. Also Air Cleaners, Humidifiers Duct work. Installation available. MCVisaDlsc.

428-8606 Visit our showroom. AIR CONDITIONERS FURNACES WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC BEST PRICE IN TOWN COMFORTMAKER INSTALLATIONS AVAIL 382-SAVE(7283) OAK Fainting couch, oak sideboard, marble top dresser. Mission oak library toble, walnut ste-bock, leather, cherry Northwind chair- Kwik Meal stove, much more. (636)937-6755 MILK white din. rm.

set, needs minor repair, $600 best offer. Call Mr Grim-s, Tues-Fri, until 5pm. 23-1061 I 1 1 ft GMC Savana Explorer Conversion, raised roof, level 4, 2 pop down T.V, Ithr, loaded wevery passible feature, priced to sell fnsTM 572,990 97 El 50 Conv, full power, excel, cond, $15,990. Cerame LM 831-0700 97 GMC Savana Explorer Ltd. Ed.

Conv, burgundy, leather, TVVCP, CD, Super Nintendo, dual stereo, new tires, $21,900, 636-932-4114. 97 GMC Safari Explorer, loaded, raised roof, tow 69K mi, exc. cond, 18,900. (636)561-2179. '96 Dodge Grond Carvan Mark IH Conv, raised roof, fully equipped, towing pkg, exc cond, new Michelin tires, 618-281-8698.

96 GMC Savannah, w98 txpiorer conv. rug, txc. 65K, $17,900. (636)625-2208 GMC Savanna Imperial Conversion, autumnwood metallic, exc. cond, value priced! $11,990 96 GMC Savanna Santa Fe conversion black.

Tan leather. CDcass, TV VCP. Rear AC. Alloys, running boards. Low mi.

Onlv $17,988 Breckerirldge 423-4848 16 Savana Conv. Van, VCRTV, pwpl, leather, super nice. Sinclair Olds (94-2311 95 Ford Osage conv 1S3K loaded, beautiful. 18500. 314-521-1217.

IS GMC Tiara Cony rear stereo, TV, prep, vn, miles, 112,995, Sinclair Olds (94-2311 '95 GMC Vandura Explorer Conversion Von, 1 owner, oil loaded. 50K, exc. S15.000 636-561-2355 95 GMC 2500, Explorer, TV, VCR, Ithr custom loaded, must sell, offer. (314)291-1370 or mobile 314-791-6921. '95 GMC Tiara looded, exc.

TVVCP, 10 disc CD, 57k mi 94 DODGE Van, full exc. cond, looded, 55xxx mi. S8500 (314)770-2573 or 739-2566 94 Ford, V-8, full rear air, TVVCP, 2 stereos, 108k mi exc. cond new tiresbrakes, $8,200 best otfer. Coll (314)846-0957.

'94 Ford E150 raised roof dual air, dual stereo, TV, VCR, headphones, V8, 117K mi. S6500. Hermann oreo. 573-834-2109 94 GMC Vandura 2500 Amer Road Conv Van, verv clean, pwr bed, rear air, TVVCR, new tires, S89O0 firm. (636)285-5107 93 Ford Osage new 194K, warr V8, tow exc.

S5700best otfer. Call 636-225-8086. 93 GMC Safari XT Convers Van. Auto, air, loaded. Orig owner.

94 Mi. S6995 314-837-8614 92 Dodge B250 Mark III, white, 49K, exc. cond. $8995(314)521-8292 92 GMC Conv Van, 107K, new tiresbrakes, 350 V8, tow pkg, rear airheat, S72O0 573-729-2342 eve '92 Malibu, 78k mi exc. tilt, cruise, elec.

mirrors, front r. heat 8i air, delav wipers, 4 capt. chairs bed wliahts, factorvCBweather radio, alarm, pi, pw, new tires, white gold tan velour $8950. 636-296-2590 91 GMC Conv. Santa Fe, 34 ton, verv low mi, looksruns exc.

Beautiful Saint 8. whls. loaded. 9300bst ofr. 636-978-6690 90 GMC, looded, 1 owner, excellent $5500, call (314)846-7273.

'90 GMC, frontrear air, all power, TV, VCR, brakes tires 80 new, $4000. (618)372-4324 '90 GMC Malibu, 99k ml, $4960. Must See! 314-280-3291 '88 GMC Vandura Explorer whiteburgundv, oium. exc. cond, 97K mi.

$5100. 618- 224-7093 or 618-224-9651 '68 GMC full size conv. van side Ricon split awav wheel chair lift, Sureloc tie down. Very clean, new paint, runs great $8000. (314)961-6345 '86 Ford Econoline 150, rebuilt motor in 300, inspec.

8. readv for plates, clean, dependable, good for fam-ilv, $4800, (314)423-8305. 86 GMC Vandura, 45k mi, loaded, captain's choirs, looksruns good, must sell $3250 (314) 962-9953offer '84 GMC Explorer, drives, no reverse, for parts. $275. (314)679-9308, 986-0116.

'83 GMC conv, very clean, $1500 (314)638-4509 78 Chew, 350 eng, runs good, body needs work. $675. (314)429-3289. 4430-Vans DO GMC Cargo Safari Van, white, blue interior, only 20 miles, onlv $18,887. Also '97 GMC Cargo Safari Van, white, blue interior, only 31xxx miles, now onlv $14,887.

St. Peters, l-70Out Rd Cave Springs Exit 636-939-1600 1-800-892-1262 '00 Pontioc Montana, burg, fan leather, montana vision and onlv 6xxx miles $27,863 '99 Dodge Gr Caravans, 4 to choose, great miles and selection, priced from $15,886. SK P0483P '97 Pontioc Montana's, 2 to choose, both loaded and priced from $14386. SK P0494P '97 Mercury Villager GS, white, only SBxxx miles and loaded $12488 '96 Plymouth Gr Voyager SE, blue, 59xxx miles and loaded $10,886 Pontloc-Buick-GMC 595-2700 '99 Dodge Ram, 2500, IS passenger van, p.w, pdl, tilt, cruise, rare Item, hurry in! Royal Gate (636) 394-3400 99 Ford Club, 15 pass. The Dean Team 966-0303 '99 Ford E250 Work Van, auto, V8, ST2479P.

Cerame Ford (38-2400 98 34 ton Dodge cargo van, white. mi. $13,000. (636)343-5074 '98 Chevy 1500 Cargo Van, 5.7 V8, 4 spd auto overdrive. Air, cruise, tilt.

AMFMcass. Locking rear, PLalarm. Adrian Steel bin dr. 100k ext. GM warr.

bumper to bumper. (46k) Must Sell! (314)514-0462 '97 Aerostar Cargo Van, V6, auto, power, oc, 1 owner, 31K ml, Sharpl $10,995 ERNIE PATTI PONTIAC-GMC 352-8900 '97 Aerostar Cargo Van, V6, auto, power, oc, 1 owner, 31K mi. Sharp! $10,995 ERNIE PATTI PONTIAC-GMC 352-8900 '97 E150 Club Wgn, all pwr, dual air. Lots of room here for vacation. $15,995.

"9S-'99 CargoPassenger Clean Serviced Vans Family Truck 636-949-0030 '95 Chew Lumina APV Cargo Van, red, auto, ac very nice $6995. ERNIE PATTI PONTIAC-GMC 352-8900 '95 GMC 2500, Explr. Conv. Dean Team 636-227-0100 94 Ford Half Ton, full size van, 350 V8, new trans, new tires, pwr locks, windows, AC, runs great, minor body work, excellent work van. $3500best offer.

314-544-2441 "94 One Ton Cargo '94 Dodge 350 extended body cargo van, V8, auto, oc, 99k mi. Good cond. $5600. Call Greg 314-535-1070 evenings 314-846-0681 '93 GMC Safari AWO, 68xxx, fully loaded, new tires, $8500, 314-503-4619. 70 9U00 btu oir conditioning and heating units.

Commercial installation through the wall. 25 yeors old, but all still work. S100 each Hotel DeVille (573)636-5231 COMPARE SAVE Wholesale oc's. furnaces humidifiers. Visit our showrm mcviso 739-1600 100 Used Air Conditioners, all matching 8 220V, some working, some not.

SlOOOotfer. (314)487-3066 Air Conditioners 110v220v Pre-owned. Con install. MCVisa Len 752-2663 AIR CONDITIONER, S125. WORKS GREAT! CALL 314-771-7623 Approx.

10,000 gal. PROPANE TANK. (636)828-5626 13,700 BTU, 110V, Amano, used 2 seasons, very cold. S190. 314-849-3719 ROOM SIZE AC WORKS GREAT, $75 CALL 314-771-7623 Sears, 10,000 BTU $199 314-849-0990 2 ton air conditioner com-presser, Tempstar, never used, $375.

(636)583-5395 (2) WINDOW AC's. 220 V. 14,000 BTU, $185 $165 (314) 968-9981 6005 Aircraft, Aviation 47 STINSON 108-1 Meticulously maintained. New prop and annual. Very well equipped.

$21,500. Call 636-742-4066 for info. '66 C150G, Continental engine 200, TSMO 423 hrs, Ultra Light for sale, newly rebuilt engine, all gouges. Too many options to list. $2800nego.

573-431-2367 Call bet. 015ApjpjiancesJ Refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, all harvest gold, $100 ea. or S275all or best offer. 314-428-6484. Al (BuySell) Appliances Window Air Conditioners Can Install.

Len 752-2663 Amana self-cleaning stove, 30 in. white, $450 like new! 314-308-7453 Archway Appliances Furniture. Extened Warranty 314-771-9300 Compact Microwave, GE, brand new, great for dorms, $60. (636)227-3331. 20 cubic In.

chess freezer. $75. 618-345-7417 Discount Appliance Center refrig $125 washer $95 wwarr 839-5100 DRYER, KENMORE GOOD $85 CALL 31462-1565 FUSION GRILL with high dome lid, 15. $40, (636) 861-6037. GE 2 dr 50s60's Retro Model, white, round top, $150.

(636) 207-0966 '96 GE white refrig, 18.6 cu ft, like new, $275. (636)677-4943 GIBSON large capacity elec. Dryer, only 3 mos. old, $200. (314)994-4278 GIBSON large capacity Washer, only 3 mos.

old, $200. (314)994-4278 Hotpoint Elec. Range, older model. Functional. $60.

(636)916-0909 International Harvester Refrigerator, works great. $50. 314-865-0987 Kenmore 13 cu. ft. refrigerator, frost free, excellent cond.

Kenmore Extra large washer dryer (elec), 1 yr. old, $450. (636)926-3531 Kenmore Stove and Refrigerator, like new, $1,000 ea.Call (314)653-9216. MAYTAG DRYER, 2 yrs. old, runs great, $75.

Call (618)236-7154 Microwave, GE Space-maker Microwave, $50. 314-865-0987 RANGE REFRIGERATOR, Norge, yellow, $2O0both. (314)534-8231 RCA Refrig. almond, 24.8 cu. frost free.

7 vrs. Clean. $300. (636)926-0172 2 mos. old, white wlcemaker, exc cond.

$400 618-398-5029 aft. 4pm. Refrig, Whirlpool, side by side, wice 8t water. 22 cu $600, (636)519-1271 ROASTER OVEN, Nesco, 18 quart, never used, $70, (636) 861-6037. ROTISSERIE Regal, only used twice, $40, (636) 861-6037.

Sears 17.2 Cu. Ft. Deep Freeze. Working $40. 314-846-6410 WASHERDryer, Lady Kenmore, $400, refrigerator $50, (314)961-1606.

Washer, Dryer, Refrigerator, Stove, like new, cheap, can del. 853-4998 Washer, Kenmore, extra large capacity, good cond. $85, call 314-862-1565 Whirlpool elec. washer 8 Kenmore elec. dryer, both for $100.

(636)227-1606 1 vr. old Kenmore gas drver, $150. (636)332-1755. 2 yr old white Magic Chef exc cond. $300 best otfer (314)352-1702 Refrigerator frost free, 18 cu.

$150. 427-3830 Side by Side Refrigerator wworr $200. 427-3830 WASHERDRYER, Ig. capacity. WASHER, heavy duty, Ig.

capacity. $125. 427-3830 6020-Arts Crafts Crafts Showploce 139 Arnold Crossroads Plaza, next to Krieoer's Consignment ond booth. Spoce starting at $10 now available for new store opening September. 636-282-1609 Christopher Studios Original Artwork for Sate.

Reasonably priced. (314)355-7949 6025 Bicycles Boy's Girl's Bikes 26' frames, $40 for both. Call (314) 830-2610 '99 Cannondale Super V-500 MTB, $750. (636)561-3975 20' Diamondback Viper bike, good $70. (314)838-0683 '98 DiamondBock Wild-wood MTB, $175best offer.

(636)561-3975 Dino VFR chrome BMX bike, $75 (314)503-5876 '98 GT Mach 2 BMX $175best offer. (636)561-3975 Mountain Bike, new Caloi Summit, 18 spd, costs $380 asking $200, 314-799-5253 Nishki Meridian Hybrid Men's 21 cond. $17S, (314)972-8893. 1930's and '40's Schwinn, AMF, others, $100 and up, exc. cond (314)962-9953.

Yakima 2-bike roof rack, $300 Best offer Evenings, 618-462-8679 6030 -Boats '84 28 ft. Landau, 140 omc io, exc cond, $5500. 800-359-2425 ext.2227 16 Ft. alum. Crestliner canopy top, 75 hp Johnson, fish finder, tilt trailer.

Ready! $1500. 636-376-4788 00 VIP Deck boat, 25ft, 4 yrs. left on warranty, $35,000 invested, asking $29,000, (618)797-1940. 00 CHAMPION, 171DC 125 Mercury loaded, remaining factory warr $13,900, (636) 625-8335 00 Triton TR22 PDC, 225 efi mere motor guide, 767, hot foot, tack plaie, wheel trim, keel guard, 3 bank charger, tandem troiler, disk brakes, retractable tongue, 2 yr. ext.

warr. on motor, $27,000, (636)933-4672 '99 Formula 400SS, 72 hours, perf. never anchored or slept on, kept on lift. $255,000. 573-374-0191 or (816)918-1794 '99 Astro FS 1800, 150 mere optimax, looded, extras, '99 Triton 190PDC, 175 mere, trailer brakes.

$20,000. 314-576-7359 '91 Baia 320ES, twin 502 mags, like new, low loaded, all sell. (314)894-7355. r--. txpt pg, i i mi, worr, S23K.


St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.