Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (2024)

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    Playing 4 hands when starting BBOFree - Play a quick game of Bridge

    #1Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (5) donmalex

    • Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (6)
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      Posted 2013-October-15, 17:18

      Free - Play a quick game of Bridge

      Play Bridge - Video Poker style

      Play Bridge - 4 hands

      Click on the links above to play a quick mini game. Suitable for all skill levels.

      After playing each hand, I would like to be able to view all four hands. And see what the majority of other members bid, and how they played the hand.

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      #2Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (7) Bbradley62

      • Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (8)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (9)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (10)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (11)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (12)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (13)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (14)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (15)
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        • Location:Brooklyn, NY, USA

        Posted 2013-October-15, 18:23

        There are no other tables; it's just you and the three GIBs playing at your table.

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        #3Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (16) barmar

        • Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (17)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (18)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (19)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (20)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (21)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (22)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (23)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (24)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (25)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (26)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (27)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (28)
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          Posted 2013-October-16, 10:30

          If you play these games from the quick links on the home page, you can't see your previous hands. But if you login to BBO and play them from the Solitaire Bridge section, all your previous hands are visible in the My Results sidebar and you can review them until you go to another table.

          In both cases, these are not duplicate bridge. You're the only one playing the hands, as Bradley explained, so there are no comparisons to view.

          P.S. Please notice that we have separate forums for BBO-specific questions and bridge in general. I've moved this thread to the BBO forum.

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          #4Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (29) Bbradley62

          • Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (30)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (31)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (32)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (33)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (34)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (35)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (36)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (37)
            • Group:Advanced Members
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            • Location:Brooklyn, NY, USA

            Posted 2013-October-16, 10:36

            barmar, on 2013-October-16, 10:30, said:

            ...if you login to BBO and play them from the Solitaire Bridge section, all your previous hands are visible in the My Results sidebar and you can review them until you go to another table.

            Barry: In the Play 4 Hands game, once you finish the fourth hand, you get a pop-up that gives you the choice of playing another four hands or leaving the table. The pop-up disables your ability to remain at the table and review your four hands. Maybe this could become an option?

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            #5Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (38) barmar

            • Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (39)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (40)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (41)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (42)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (43)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (44)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (45)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (46)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (47)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (48)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (49)Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (50)
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              Posted 2013-October-16, 11:00

              You can review the hands after you answer the popup. If you leave, the results are visible until you go to another table. And if you stay for another game, the results from the previous game stay in the sidebar.

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              Playing 4 hands when starting BBO (2024)


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              Author: Laurine Ryan

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              Name: Laurine Ryan

              Birthday: 1994-12-23

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              Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

              Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.